Capturing Campus: Reclamation

TW: Gore, canibalistic imagery, mentions of violence


a crack of the skull to let the demons out

sharp daggers to the chest

pouring love; painting a sygil 

violence on grass blades and mushroom tops

too dizzy to lift a hand

skin marred and beautiful, bloody even

nibbled by canines and premonition

bit down on finger bones

gritty and callous resistance 

chewed the marrow like tobacco

spit it out, too

onto cold ground; it ferments

like fallen leaves atop moss

the flies buzz hymnals

and maggots squeal 

gleeful, they’ll burrow holes 

a porous sponge 

for mud and dust and rainwater

raw and plain

sinking into the earth

your final resting place


Erin Knape is a University of Michigan senior majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. Her greatest passion has always been the arts, whether that be writing, painting, or photography. Capturing Campus, a weekly installment of poetry and photography, aims to capture campus life through artistic expression. Dive into Capturing Campus every Sunday!

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