“what is art?” #19 – glove fashion

Things are happening outside the walls of my house and it’s hard to be productive when my mind is racing all the time about what is occurring. Each day feels like either 5 or 35 hours and I never know what the actual date is. My birthday is in three days and this seems preposterous to me because it somehow still feels like the beginning of March. What is occurring to the whole world right now is tragic, mystifying, and also I suppose a test about what life can give us. 


In my new “normal” lifestyle at home, I hang out with my family, continue to finish schoolwork, watch movies, do yoga, and from time to time go on Instagram. This addicting app has its ups and downs for me but today I opened it up to see a post by a Stamps alum Sara Radin about “8 Ways to Decorate Your Protective Gloves According to the Internet” and I had to smile and share. 


Instagram accounts: @ainacarafi (top left), @evazar (top right), @chalmecatecuhtli (bottom left), @maria_bernad (bottom right), @luiny (cover image)

One of the tagged gloves is from creative writer and editor I also follow, Tori West. Not only does she devour the fashion magazine scene with her talent but she is also an individual promoting being a working class woman. She is a part-time cleaner for financial and therapeutic reasons and inspires others to be confident in their own side hustles. On her Instagram, she posts untraditional pictures of her cleaning that challenge what this job can look like. Her style and confident personality consumes each post and encourages a conversation about how these jobs can be intertwined with fashion, art, etc. In this time of quarantine, her posts have reached many and inspired others to get creative with how they clean their own houses now. 

By gluing on gems or even picking up a sharpie and drawing, people have been able to turn their plain ol’ gloves into a fashion statement, art piece, and/or sites of beauty. Quarantine can be a slippery slope to loneliness, boredom, etc. so it is important to stay positive and think of things to help inspire and energize you for your day like these individuals have done. 


Sending my love to all!


sophomore studying Art & Design looking to start a conversation this semester about what art is, what it may be, what it can be, etc., in hopes to expand people's knowledge on how art consumes our lives

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