The Indian Artist: The Final Post of the Year

Good afternoon everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. Final season is finally over! The semester is finally over! We survived! This was a difficult year for me. It was amazing and full of firsts, but it was still hard. I lived on my own for the first time in my life and had to learn how to take care of myself, take care of my emotional and mental health, and come to terms with the fact that I have some issues that I have to tackle to become the best version of myself. Through all of this, balancing my studying with my health, my art has been my solace. My art has given me so much strength and confidence, pride and joy.

I will be back in the fall and will have at least one more new piece to showcase! Thank you all so much for your readership this past year. I truly look forward to starting “The Indian Artist” up again soon! As always, if any questions arise, please feel free to reach out to me via my Instagram or my contact page through my website. Have a wonderful summer!


Until next Monday,

~ Riya



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Riya A

My name is Riya and I am currently a Senior at U of M studying Molecular Biology with a double minor in Art & Design and Sociology on the pre-med track. Art has been a huge passion of mine from a very young age and in the final iteration of my column, I look forward to sharing my passions as they connect to my culture, medicine, and art.

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