aSoSS 26 | Fit

I liked how our teacher had a coordinated outfit! It was new!

Central Campus Transit Center, 10AM, 8/28/2024

summer comes and the house is not as i remember it. flies cling to the windows like barnacles. i bet a bird died in there, you say as we pass. it must have been heat stroke– but i already knew, i could smell the sweetness in the leaves. trees mourn too, did you know that? everything in the world mourns. the curtains are rustled by an invisible breeze; god’s not watching, there’s nothing to see. what’s buried won’t burn us. the clouds are sharp and shapeless, jigsaw pieces strewn across a coffee-cream sky.

Fit check, how is it?

Nice, got on that Laufey… I know how to say it now, not loofah or whatever…

Alice Lloyd Hall, 5:00PM, 9/13/2024

it was there the day i left, a dust storm dressed in bronze, waiting for me at the corner of the station. you hid behind a newspaper dated a week into the future: soothsayer’s grin, reaper’s curse. i pretend not to notice but we are both done with pretending. the threat of eye contact forces me astray. someone shouts a name–not yours–and you turn. it wears your eyes and nothing else.

your memory is stagnant, a still pond. i forget your face in the swarm of gathering flies.

My favorite pants has holes in them, just from wearing it a lot, and I’m going to patch it but I think this might be their last season…

Michigan Union, 12:30PM, 9/24/2024

it’s not there anymore, is it? the things you save until you can’t be saved. markers leak and stain the canvas; stickers dry and cut your nailbeds. you move out and your nails are painted and the world is over, yet the earth continues to spin. the antenna spits static and the radio hums to life. does the flower wait for the bee to approach before it blooms? kill the fantasy. fall in love with the present.

conscience of theseus: if you replace every thought in your mind, are you the same person?

With another year brings another vibrant campus community! Rain or shine, the human experience perseveres. Whether this is your first introduction to aSoSS or we crossed paths last year, I’m so glad I could be a part of your day =)

Welcome back, stay a while // It’s been a minute and I miss that smile~


Real quotes, fictional stories. Go out there and leave your mark. Weave your web into the corners of history, one good deed at a time.

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