Author: Aina
Hi there! My name is Aina and I'm a student at the University of Michigan. The arts have always been a huge passion of mine so blogging here couldn't be a more perfect opportunity. I've lived in Michigan all my life and find it so cool how there's a whole different world in a place I've known.
I hope you enjoy all I have to contribute!
unscrambled #25 – “euchre.cpp”
Background: EECS 280’s famous “Euchre” was project was due yesterday, which meant a lot of inspiration was taken from the long nights, countless errors, and furious debugging. I wrote this as a sort of satire, because to be honest, it wasn’t as dramatized of a storytelling as I’ve made it out to be, but still a pretty difficult coding project nonetheless. I also can appreciate all the different concepts we had to incorporate into the project, so [disclaimer] I do understand why it had to be a relatively obscure card game mostly known in the Midwest. Regardless, I can confirm: I did think “why couldn’t we have coded Go Fish or Uno instead” multiple times.