Chapter 2

AI in Music

This week, I came across an interesting article, in the latest news, that talks about the ending of popular songs on Tik Tok due to safety issues from AI. As most of us scroll through Tik Tok every day, there are many songs that are produced from AI, mimicking another artist. Many times, I am not aware of this. I simply just scroll through without realizing that a song is not from the actual artist. That is how good but scary AI is. If AI is already this advanced, how further can it be developed? While I see many benefits, it is far more dangerous for the music industry. With AI reproducing replicas of big artists songs/voices, musicians are concerned over the “little protection for their own names, likenesses, and voices being used without their permission.” Yet, others argue that because AI is coming, musicians need to accept it.  Otherwise, it is “just going to kill us all.” In the future, is it possible AI can take over human jobs? I think it is incredibly important to be increasingly aware of the development of technology in the music industry and its effects on artists.  

I have attached the article to this post, as it is very fascinating. See you next week!

Chapter 1

Hi! Welcome to Captured Moments!

This week, I am sharing a day in my life as a piano performance major. Tuesday February 20th, I began my day with my theory class. 

9:30 AM 

I am taking Theory 140- Aural Skills to develop my understanding of the harmonies and structures that are an important part of music.

11:30 AM

Then, I have piano forum. This class is an opportunity for all piano performance majors  to perform for the piano department as well as for each other. For this week’s class, we had Eric Lu present a masterclass. He is the gold medal recipient of the Leeds International Piano Competition 2018. I really enjoyed his presentation!

12:30 PM

After, I had my sight-reading class. This class is super helpful for me as it teaches me different techniques to sight read and comprehend music faster. I am working on sight reading Beethoven’s Sonata Op.14.

3 PM

My next class is on central campus. I take the bus to the MLB where my French class is. During this class, I am currently working on a blog about Fort-De-France. 


I take the bus back to the School of Music, and I practice for the rest of the day. 

See you next week 🙂