Midterm week we all survived!!! We are superheroes standing on our studies. GO BLUE!
Midterm week we all survived!!! We are superheroes standing on our studies. GO BLUE!
This is a personal piece work that I created for poet Su Shi ((1037–1101 CE), undoubtedly, is the one of the few poets that I can find “natural.” By saying natural, I mean he is authentic, free from bias and hardships. He faced adversities of course, not only faced them, but became a theme of his life. Despite his remarkable attainments in the aspects of literature and poetry, Su Shi is known as “in a constant state of either being demoted from his official position or traveling along the path leading to demotion.” Su Shi shaped his life into a masterpiece even in extreme poverty. He writes poetry as inspiration strikes, without any preferred themes, expressing genuine emotions. Rarely do I sense any deliberate or artificial elements in his poems. He enjoys cooking, sleeping, social gathering with liquor; he is not a saint, he has his moments of self-satisfaction and fear of loneliness, engaging in banter with friends… He stepped out of history with his authenticity and personality, his life is “full of life”. I feel the connection between me and Su from Song Dynasty through his writings. I find my sense of belonging when I came to US because of him. He built the bridge of me and my culture thousands years ago.
Hi Wolverines! It’s been almost 2 months! Go Blue, Wolverines! 🐺💙 As proud students of the University of Michigan, we are part of a legacy that’s shaped by excellence, innovation, and a strong sense of community. When you look around, us wolverines are here💙
Here, I have included some figure drawings of my friends and me. In this piece, I try to capture the happy and sad emotions at the same time to show the complexity of emotions that young people experience. The page shows exaggerated human figures and emotions based on the people I observed, which I converted to my own style to make it more unique and interesting. I used different textured brushes to draw them, and each of the figures took around 20 seconds to draw. Most of the time, we are surrounded by happiness, but there are times we are lost in our lives, which emotion is represented by the three figures in the center showing that we are not alone.