Going Green for St. Patrick’s Day

A photographer in a green cut down forest takes a photo and the screen cuts to the black and white photo of a desolated and cut down forest.

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! The day when people frolic and drink Guinness in happy green attire. The day when it’s somehow okay for people to pinch you for not wearing green (consent!) and it’s acceptable to wear every single one of your giant four leaf clover good luck charms. Oh, and it’s the day to celebrate St. Patrick if you’re Irish and/or Catholic.

In honor of this joyous occasion, I thought it would be particularly apropos to talk about going green. Don’t worry, this isn’t about to get political. I’m talking about green art, or environmentally friendly art! You might ask yourself, what is green or environmental art? Well, it all boils down to one thing. Environmental art has to somehow better the relationship and connection people have with our planet. It’s not that hard to do either!

Some people choose to make environmental art that teaches a lesson about how to treat the natural world. Think of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax or Disney and Pixar’s Wall-E. Like it or not, these two have strong lessons about saving the planet inside beautifully written and illustrated/animated books and movies. The Lorax, Wall-E, and other educational modes of art have helped many people understand the environment in new, fun, and beautiful ways. And, Wall-E has even helped to persuade a few people to use their old boots as flower pots instead of throwing them away! Hint: That’s upcycling. We’ll get to that.

Other people create art that directly helps the environment in some way. This may sound difficult, but it can be done with a lot of success, too. One artist, Jason deCaires Taylor, is a great example of someone whose art benefits the environment. He created those underwater sculptures you may have seen to help coral reef habitats thrive, an especially important task during this time when natural coral reefs are disappearing around the world. His work has even inspired other artists to look at how their art can benefit the environment, creating more environmental artists all the time.

One of the easiest ways for an artist to go green is to reuse materials so they don’t end up in landfills. When an artist repurposes old materials for new pieces, that’s called upcycling. Remember that boot planter inspired by Wall-E? Well, that’s not all you can do with your old and unwanted materials. Need ideas? An old tennis racket becomes a great embroidery board. Bottle caps turn into decorative and waterproof tabletops. Old scrap metal transforms into fantastic sculptures. Toilet paper rolls are painted and turned into bracelets. There are endlessly possibilities for these old items, and each one can help protect the environment in a small, yet substantial, way.

But that’s not all green art is. Some artists paint pictures or take photographs showing the environment in artistically beautiful ways to help people understand the importance of it. Others create dances or sing songs. More use specifically environmentally friendly materials like paints and glues. There are actually hundreds of ways people have been making green art. And the best part? It’s never too late to start making your own.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Stay safe and stay green!

Six cartoon shamrocks dance around and play music.

Art Against All Odds

Art is a privilege. So many people around the world have had to, or still do, hide their art. But art is special. It’s different. It’s a part of us. And we won’t give it up.

Some people are lucky; making and sharing art is easy for them. It comes in the form of little doodles at the top of a loose-leaf piece of paper during a long lecture. It shows up when you tap your foot to the beat of a song you just can’t get out of your head. It’s even there when you’re cleaning and, mid-sweep; find yourself in the middle of a beautiful twirl as if you’re a ballerina.

For some people, though, art isn’t as easy. Art takes more time, is more difficult to do, more effort to create. Someone might have told these people that art just isn’t for them, that they should do something else with their time. They may have even believed those skeptics. But, that doesn’t mean they stopped doing it.

Today I’d like to highlight three artists who I recently became aware of who, against all odds, have created, or continue to create, something beautiful. These people are Mariusz Kędzierski, John Bramblitt, and Paul Smith.

At only 23-years-old, Mariusz Kędzierski is the youngest of my selected artists. He was born without hands, but that hasn’t stopped him from showing the world his artistic talent. Kędzierski started drawing when he was just 16 and hasn’t stopped since. He uses his arms to draw incredibly realistic pictures and portraits that take him hours to finish, but look as if they could be photographs by the time he is done. Mariusz Kędzierski is a self-taught artist who never ceases to amaze me. His work is truly something we’re lucky to see.


John Bramblitt overcomes a different challenge every time he goes to the easel. Bramblitt was born with vision, but lost his sight fully in 2001 after a series of epileptic seizures. For a lot of people, that would have been the end of their artistic careers, but for Bramblitt, his loss of sight was actually the beginning. Bramblitt has developed a few techniques to help him paint, but the most important is his use of raised lines on a canvas, which help him to navigate his paintings. He then uses either Brailed paint tubes or different textured oil paints to create full and vibrant paintings that seem to reflect the colors our emotions would show rather than our eyes. John Bramblitt is an incredibly inspiring man and artist. His work is an honor to see.

And last, but not least, is Paul Smith, the typewriter artist. Unfortunately, I didn’t learn about Paul Smith until after his death, which happened almost 10 years ago when he was 85; but that doesn’t mean I am unable to appreciate the beautiful art he made in this world. Smith was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when he was a baby, which caused him to take more time to learn various tasks and fine motor skills. However, Smith figured out how to make art even with his difficulties. He adopted a typewriter as his paintbrush when he was just 11-years-old and continued to “paint” until he couldn’t anymore due to old age. Smith used symbol keys on the top row of his typewriter’s keyboard. He worked in black-and-white until colored typewriters were invented, taking weeks, even months, to create his pictures. His art is impressive from afar, but even more so when viewed up close so the symbols are seen. While Paul Smith may not still be living, his art surpasses his life and continues to inspire. We are privileged to have the chance to see it.

Of course, these are not the only artists worth mentioning, but they are the artists I have chosen to highlight. All of these people did not see their disabilities as endings, but as opportunities to create beauty. Humans are amazing creatures, and they helped to prove that. These incredible people remind me, and I hope you, too, that art is inside us all, just waiting to come out. All we have to do is find our way, and we can all be artists.

Why Do You Color?

Yeah I did it. I caved. I got an adult coloring book.

I mean, it’s not like I didn’t want one. My roommate has 6 and counting, and loves to take it out whenever possible. It’s her go-to stress reliever….and I’m often jealous.

But then I’d remind myself that it costs money, that I’d have to buy colored pencils, that I won’t have time and it’ll be a waste of money. And then last weekend, those excuses disappeared as I stood in front of the table at Literati.

Then, all I could think was which one should I get? So I did it. I caved. I had some gift money left over from a return purchase, and I had an Amazon gift card. So I did it. I got an adult coloring book.

The whole idea of adult coloring books intrigues me a lot though. When I was little, I wasn’t a huge fan of coloring. I liked doing crafts more, something where I could be a little freer. And I think, truthfully, I didn’t have the patience for coloring. Even though you can’t really be bad at coloring (and anyone who says otherwise is lying), I wasn’t ever any good at art.

I don’t talk much about art, as in painting, drawing, sketching, molding – anything in that realm, because I’m not good at it. It’s hard to enjoy something when you’re so frustrated with yourself. I’m a dreamer. I imagine things. And when the imagination doesn’t match up with reality, I’m upset. Why am I not good enough?

That doesn’t stop me from roaming around museums and letting my mind wander. Trust me, I do love art. I had to pry myself away from the Louvre this summer, and I had really only seen barely half of it.

Even so, this side of me, the artistic one, doesn’t really come out very often. I do love art, and I certainly respect and appreciate it, but I don’t do it, so I don’t talk about it very much.

But then these coloring books. Studies show that coloring is a good stress reliever. You put any adult in a classroom full of kids, and put in one coloring station and you’ll see the results of that. When working in childcare I honestly loved to color with the kids. In large classrooms, it can be hard to interact with children playing blocks, making their own towers, or zooming around with a little firetruck clutched in their fists. They’re often in their own world, or in the worlds of their peers, and as an adult it can be challenging to enter that world, even as their teacher. But coloring is a way to connect. You can ask the kids what their favorite color is, how their week at school was, what they like to do for fun at home. All the while, you’re sitting (or squatting, if you aren’t four years old) at a desk, with a pretty picture to take home.

I find adult coloring books interesting because of these two things: the connection with art, and the connection with childhood. Maybe it’s a bit strange to have an adult color, or maybe it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it’s good to have an artistic outlet, or maybe it’s nice just to relax.

Whatever the reason you color (if you do), keep coloring.

Painting a Coloring Book

Coloring was one of those things you did as a child. Taking your favorite characters and either scribbling all over their faces in colors that made no sense or meticulously choosing the right color and shading in the characters in a somewhat accurate way.

I’ve recently come to poses “Lost Ocean” a coloring book created by Johanna Basford that has lots of difficult designs and intricate patterns for coloring.

This is not mean for beginners with poor motor control to color but for a more practiced audience. Throughout my years at UofM I have heard the benefits of coloring as a child and as an adult expounded again and again. It helps relax people, it practices fine motor skills, and is an activity that requires just enough concentration but allows the mind to wander. In a sense I think it might even be like meditation for those who don’t want to sit in pure silence.

I really enjoy the art style of the book and am considering getting some of other coloring books by the same creator. When picking out this book I’ve decided to make the book a painting project. I enjoy painting, and have really wanted to work on creating depth with the medium.

The front cover of the book also inspired me with random golden highlights. I am a huge fan of metallic paints and how they show up much more to my liking than metallic colored pencil.

One evening I decided to break out the paints and start working. I have not gotten very far in my attempt yet. I discovered that some of the lines are so fine and the designs so intricate that I do not have a brush tiny enough to fit.

Trying to paint in such a small space with my thinnest brush really exposed some problems I’d never encounter before in painting. Sometimes the bristles of the brush wouldn’t be perfectly aligned creating random streaks where I did not want them covering over the original lines. It’s also easy to get too much paint on the brush, making weird blobs where I didn’t want them.

I am going to continue with this project after I find a thinner brush. I really think little projects like this really help gain new skills or just more patience. Practice makes perfect and being able to complete the whole book in the the style I want will be rewarding with having it look pretty but also hopefully improve my other skills, like patience and design work.


In conversation with a tattoo artist recently, and he had said something to the effect of not always having ideas. Which seemed odd to me as an artist I would think he would be overflowing with ideas all the time, but then I thought about it more and everyone is different in their creative process.

As for me I feel like inspiration comes from everything. It’s about looking at something and finding something that I want to interpret as my own.

I found inspiration for a found objects project from the Canadian flag. I liked the colors of the maple leaf and decided to construct a tree out of coke cans. There it was, I received second place in an art competition with it, and idea that started from something I’d seen a million times, I just at the time felt the urge to interpret it in a way that was me.

My freshman year seminar, “The Science of Creativity” had us read a book about a lady who had very specific advice on how to be creative. You had to set aside a specific time to be creative every day hers was 6am in her dance studio (she was a professional dancer) and to me this seemed like good advice though perhaps misguided. This is the kind of creative experience that worked for her. She needed to have a specific time and place every day to be creative.

I believe creativity depending on the style does need planning but placing such a specific rigid format onto creativity doesn’t make sense. For me, sure having a class with a devoted time and place helps me produce art work consistently, but that is not the space for everyone.

For some it’s a random happenstance of events that inspires them and for others it is always a specific kind of space that leads to creativity. In my mind it’s sort of like paper writing. Some people really do take all two weeks to write a paper, but others write it 4hrs before it’s due and to be honest I fall into the latter group. I do not think that one or the other is a better way of doing things. Having a deadline and pushing that limit produces a unique headspace for me where connections make more sense and my grades would agree. There is no right time or way to do it so long as the paper is turned in on time, and I believe creativity and art works in a similar way.

You can ask as many people as you want what inspires them but that only gives insight into their process not how to be creative for yourself. The secret isn’t held in one method. The secret to finding inspiration and producing work is figuring out a personal plan, for isn’t that art to begin with? Using your own method to show the world how you see it and who you are.

Bold Folds: The Art of Origami

Autumn is in the air. In the tap-tapping of boots on pavement; in the crackle of falling leaves; in the rumbling roar of maize-wearing Wolverines. Trees hang heavy with apples, ripe for picking. Coffeehouses waft invitations of pumpkin spice and cinnamon out into the streets. And then, there’s the chill – a blessing and curse at the same time. Some days are energetic. Grab a scarf and a walking companion and the cold disappears. But other days are drizzly, gray, and frankly, a bit seasonally depressing. When days like those hit, why not grab some perfectly patterned square bits of paper and fold away the stress of classes and decorate your room at the same time?

This past summer, while at home rummaging around the craft closet for school supplies, I came across an old packet of Origami paper and felt my childhood flash back. The hours I could spend, practicing patience, dedicating a long-attention span to folding and unfolding paper, to licking and nursing the cuts on my fingers. The pleasure of creating a menagerie of cranes, penguins, dragons, rabbits, fish, foxes, elephants, (but mostly cranes), and set them up on the table before me. Made from my own hand.

I remembered reading the children’s book, “Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes” by Eleanor Coerr, for a first grade book report project. An inspirational book, indeed, that makes you want to go out and make something, do something, to put a smile on someone else’s face. My mom and I had toiled away to make a crane for each student in the class, and it was all worth the effort.

With such good memories folded neatly in my brain, I decided to bring the packet of multi-colored pre-cut squares with me to college this year. Every once in a while, I take out a sheet, put on a YouTube tutorial video, and focus on the folds – a great distraction from homework.

The word ‘origami’ comes from the Japanese ‘ori’ meaning folding and ‘kami’ which means paper. The art of paper folding is mostly credited to the sixth-century Japanese monks who created simple, religious designs for Shinto ceremonies. Paper folding spread around the world, to Spain, the Middle East, Britain and the US, and continues to be a flourishing art form today.

One of the great marvels of origami is that all it requires is one piece of square paper. Pre-cut squares, some plain-colored, some patterned, can be bought at craft and stationery shops for $1-4, depending on the paper count. Not too crippling an expense when you consider that no glue, scissors or tape are necessary! Ingenuity and patience is all that’s needed, that and some good, clear instructions.

Most origami packs come with some poorly drawn step-by-step instructions. But, we’re in the digital age and can and should take advantage of YouTube videos (it’s loaded with them!) and dedicated websites like origami-instructions.com and origami.me. The trick is to master a few basic folds (inside and outside reverse, the petal fold, the valley and mountain fold) and a couple of bases (bird base, diamond base, kite base) and then a world of paper folding will, dare I say it, unfold for you. Soon you will be surrounded by ninja stars, hopping frogs and lotus flowers.

The great thing is that origami can be as private as you want it to be. No one has to know if your rabbit looks more like an earless rat. The art is in the doing and the concentration, the manual labor, the effort. Frustration and mistakes may come, but that’s all part of the art process. Of course, once you’ve mastered the crane, you will always have a party trick up your sleeve. A paper napkin can, with a bit of dexterity, be transformed into a thing of wonder! Your friends’ jaws will drop as you crease and sculpt and reveal a creature whose wings flap when they tug its tail.

And who knows? One day, you could be like Florigami founder and origami artist, Floriane Toultou!

Floriane Toultou’s “Silver Unicorn” (via goodstuffhappenedtoday)

So let the scarves, the autumn days, and your stress unfold – and indulge yourself in a little bit of paper magic. You’ll be glad you did!