Hello! I would like to give a quick rundown of what I will be working on during this academic year. To spice things up, I will create an assortment of pieces in varying mediums. Each month, I will focus on a particular emotion/theme.
The mediums I will include are digital art, photography, poetry, and short story-making. I hope you enjoy what I put together, and feel free to leave comments if you’d like!
See you next Sunday,
So quickly it began
With nervous laughter
Sweaty palms
Hearts racing wildly
The unknown ahead
So slowly it passed
Difficult days
Difficult nights
Tears and sweat and pain
Awaiting the day
Of the end
The last day of the start
Of more difficult days
Difficult nights ahead
But some good ones too
Much bitter sweetness lingers
In every goodbye
With a wave
Say goodbye to
All of the lessons learned
People met
And things yet to become
We must cherish all endings
However bitter
Or deliciously sweet
For they are final, of course
And now,
Onto something new
*Trigger Warning*
This poem contains eating disorder subject matter.
In the realm of hypocrisy
Everything in moderation
The chant that leads to an obsession
An obsession that cannot be moderated
Counting the calories
Saying no
Saying yes becomes a rarity
And even then
Wishing you hadn’t
That number on the scale
Satisfying but wanting
Wanting perfection
That moderation of flesh
Of fat
Of life
Wanting the shock
The surprise
The congratulatory remarks
They didn’t know the damage done
Seasons pass
A new obsession
One of eating feelings
Crying frustration
Counting calories
Unable to stop the pain
You stuff it down your throat
Only for it to come back up
A mess of “moderation”
Of obsession beyond balance
Beyond sense
Polar sides
Neither just right
Always looking
For the approval
For the stability
Of those words
“Everything in moderation”
Crunch and fragility
Dull brown and lifeless
A flower
Killed by cold
A horrendous annual crime
But upon a newfound strength
By the Earth’s nurturing scape
A blooming begins
Inaction and then
Elation at a new
Motion in the ground
Abolition of the lifelessness of yesterday
Captivation of colors. The
Transformation beneath. A
Foundation of weaving threads. An
Interconnection of the greatest
Creation brought along by the spring
The cards that hold
Knowledge I already knew
But couldn’t access
The hands that have seen
And warm gestures
Grazing the cards
Selecting aimlessly
A past
And bottled
A present
And hopeful
A future
But fearsome
Forming a row of formidable cards
They speak and expose
A heartbreak two folds
Too strong
Complications of roads
Too intimidating to choose from
Decisions neglected
Thoughts finely pressed
And set aside for a different morning
Desires to be realized
Dreams to dazzle
And worlds of people to meet
Such an accurate picture
Painted by the person
Sitting before me
Divulging my concerns
Encouraging my pursuits
I heard what I yearned for
Absorbing the words
From across a rickety table