Evolving Emotions: Numb

Sights have lost their luster

Songs are no longer melodious in tune

Colors are gray

Lights have darkened

In a haze


My pupils lazy

My mouth lame

My limbs heavy


Unable to express

Unable to cry

Unable to feel


What would it take?


To allow the dreaded



And concerns



Accepting them

Embracing them

Unafraid and willing


Would it make a difference?


In the haze

There is no beginning

No middle

No end

No light at the end of the tunnel


It is an indifference

A distance

An apathy


Disturbing as it may be

Not feeling

May be dangerously appealing

As a small price to pay


Evolving Emotions: Bliss in the Dark

Setting in the west

Purple and blue hues

Over the plains of grass

A peace fills the air

Dotted with stars

My friend sits in the sky

Pronounced against the black

We are alone together.

My neck cranes

To witness his light

Grazing my face

I lay in the grass

Looking out

Darkness surrounds me

Concealing my existence

Only acknowledged by my friend in the sky


A profound comfort washes

Across my skin.

The softness of the breeze

The chill of the night

The peace in this place.

No judgement

No eyes upon my flesh

Probing my mind.

Just me on the Earth

And my friend in the sky


How blissful is anonymity

The release of the pressure to conform

The anxiety of inadequacy

The worries for the future

And the loathing of the past.

My friend steadies me

I shine with him

Our bliss in the dark.


Evolving Emotions: Centrifuge

Having depression and anxiety is kind of a

Funny thing. 


Those depressed moods

However awful they are

Remain comfortable 

Remain separate from the whirlwind of

Thought and obsessive


I can’t fall from the floor


There is no surprise 

No jarring suddenness 


Just peace in the low and dull

It’s a sick cycle

That enraptures 

Makes me yearn for the consistency 

That is ruining my life.


You don’t take chances

There’s no point


You don’t try things

Why would I?


Are you ever going to start living your life?

Do you want the truth?


Maybe a day will come

When the anxiety isn’t so grand

And the depression seems just a little 



A day where I step out from the centrifuge

That whirls and spirals

And step into the light


With a novelty I never knew 

And a take on life 

I had never held in my hands

With a world of possibilities 

I had yet to realize


Evolving Emotions: Yellow

Yellow has been a rather

Permanent resident in my life


Since fourth grade

My single driving force


Ultimate goal


Was to be a

Maize and Blue



And success


That last part

Has proved challenging

And a twinge undesirable


The place I called home before any other

Apart from the womb

My childhood bedroom

A zany yellow on the walls

In an artificial cheer


It was not always

So cheerful.


Something I learned recently

A rather depressing fact

Bananas are disagreeable.


For all of the cramps I sustain

Apologies in advance

To my near and distant future


My eyes loathe the sun

It’s bright rays

The sweat beading

It’s a sticky sort of hatred


It never ceases to amaze

How ironic the world is.

Connections and coincidences

In fascinating alignments

All for the purpose of absurdity

Made sensical


Blue has become a recent tenant


Paint rollers glided like waves

Creating a sky along the walls


Each raindrop and cloud

Brings a comforting cold

And reminder

Of dirt’s occasional aroma


I’ve often been blue

Sad beyond belief

Swallowed by a riptide


But it’s in those moments

That I’m grateful

For it all

For the joy

For the tears

For the bananas I cannot digest

And for the Zen in my bedroom

That served as a transition

Between color and emotion


Evolving Emotions: Familiar Weather

You are perched

A wooden stool in the kitchen

Creaking beneath your weight


Staring out at

The meadow beyond

Past the chipped window frame

The light pours like water

Streaming through

Weathered glass


An alluring glow

Inviting eyes to


and Dive

Across the hills

And into the trenches


Its beauty is


But you can’t shake


The twinge in your chest

A stab at your tissue

Inside your head

It nags





Amidst the serenity


The possibility


The hills


The trees


The sky


The rocks



The chirping of birds


The rushing of water


The movement of clouds


The whistling of grass



Sending the mind

Into a frenzy of static

Quickening in pace

You feel it.


The light fades


In its place

Are gloomy clouds

Rapturous storms

An unbearable inundation


A pond fills the sink

Entering through the tap


Spilling onto the checkered tile

The countertops

And dull appliances


The rivers flow

With unending power


Through the opened window

The cracks in the walls

The age-worn door


Oceans form inside your skull

Waterfalls drain your eyes


Taking with it the innocence you held

Leaving hollowness behind


Wracked with exhaustion

All dries up

The sun burns flesh

The light lay strangely now


You were used to the ponds

The rivers

The oceans


Only for them to leave you

A battered husk

On a wooden stool.


Evolving Emotions: Blizzard

My legs are like columns of sheeted glass

They burn with an anger

I have neglected them

Left them to be battered

By a blizzard, hardly forgiving


My hands chip like old plaster

Revealing the life underneath

The pain of red

Numbed in the cold


My hair discourages logic

Protests order

And wreaks havoc

In front of my eyes

Shielding my face

Enough to obscure

But not enough to warm


A cry inside

Screaming for



To feel again

To know that all will calm


The ice sets in

Hardening the bones

Congealing their marrow

Hindering the joints

Straining the throat


The blizzard takes hold

Despite my hope

For a light flurry

Following the storm