Capturing Campus: November

Tending to Sunsets

life may be worth the tears
if for the sunsets
which close tired eyes
meld the heart in soft colors
wrap heavy bones in the dark

it’s something of an exhalation
breathing over cityscapes
and rolling hills
it lets you sink when you are stiff
think when you are blurry
in the eyes and head

how many skies have you tended
turning day to night
how many stars have you counted
losing track always
how many sunsets were meant for you

MediaScape Musings #2 : Kiss The Earth

An ode to nature’s gentle touch,
Where the lips of dawn meet meadows
in a loving clutch,
A warm and caring grace,

The soul returns to its actual, tranquil space.

Today, I had the pleasure of sharing my most recent photography project -“Kiss The Earth!” This project is an exploration of the profound connection between humanity and nature, a visual journey that seeks to rekindle that timeless bond, reminding us to return to our roots.

The inspiration for this project came from a deep yearning to capture the raw and unadulterated essence of nature. It’s all too easy to forget our intrinsic connection to the natural world. “Kiss The Earth” serves as a visual reminder, urging us to reconnect with the Earth’s beauty and power. Through my lens, I aimed to remind viewers to embrace the simplicity and grandeur of nature and rediscover their own beginnings.

# find more of my photography works on Instagram: @dsu.photoart

Capturing Campus: October


I’ve always had a thing for eyes
The bulbous ones that pop from their sockets
The ones that aren’t there but should be
The flat ones– sagging or deflated (minding the pus)
The tired ones after too much Netflix
The red ones burned from a heartbreak or two
The closed ones–either dead or will be
will be eventually


Bonus poem:

When it’s all over (and I’m in a manic mood)

How was I so blind to the world
to not know its beauty?
Oh, how beautiful the world is
when every feeling falls upon my flesh
and brings a tear to my eye
and many more when I think of the enormity of it all
I shall cry when it is all over
when I shall say goodbye
to this place, I only knew for a short time
I was so blind
for there is suffering, but the beauty keeps me here
To live and to breathe, only to lose it all
I love this life; I am not blind, and it is beautiful

TOLAROIDS: Halloween

Spookiest gallery you’ve seen this weekend

Capturing Campus: October


Fear is a strange thing–
turning your hair on end
it pokes your shoulder on your walk home
but there’s nothing there when you turn
to face the dark
and there’s nothing there
as you sit on your bed late at night
but you feel hot breath down your neck
and you live alone so you turn on the light
The electricity bill gets higher these days
and you might have to take a night shift
to cover the cost
the cost of living alone
but will you be alone forever
found after a neighbor calls the cops
over a smell that curdles the mind
curdling your mind
you try not to think about it
so you think back to home
Scared in dinosaur pajamas
of that thing in you closet
You don’t wear them anymore
but you keep the closet shut
the lights on
your eyes open
and it’s dizzying
with disco lights
shallow breathing
The older you get
the more there is to be scared of