Evolving Emotions: Thankful

The comfort in knowing

All is well

And will be well


The security felt

When a sound

Divulges its character


The overwhelming joy that

Echoes through the room

At a ridiculous story


The calm you keep

Close to the chest

Knowing your needs are met


The common conversations

That you simply

Must absorb in your mind


The familiar scent

Of a home

So loved


you get in the car

your glance rips

from familiarity

each mile

unnaturally separating


The love

The struggle

The pain

The growth

The peace


The memories you crafted fade

As the path ahead expands

You know you must



You tremble

But trek onwards

Hoping for greatness

Cautioned towards aversiveness


No easier to swallow

The tears well up

As you are reminded of what you had







Even so,

Being apart

Shows how well off

You were

And still are


They have given you this gift

To separate from the world they made


And form a new one.


Evolving Emotions: Last Glow

I saw the stars this morning

The sun had not yet climbed the shingled roofs

Nor surmounted the plumes of smoke

Produced by the slumbering city


Each a fleck of twinkling perfection

My eyes gleamed alongside them

In a vast gift

A sight to behold


These gems of the sky are deceptive

They hide their torment

The destruction that defines their state

They are dead and dying.


That which is beautiful

Is temporary

Breathe in the expanse

The comforting peace

This quiet morning


For it is not forever

Although we wish it to be

There will be a last

Air leaves the lungs

Carrying the soul in its glow


These precious stars shine

Despite their fate

Despite their circumstance


Do not grieve

Let the feeling linger

Let the light bathe you


Do not taint it with sadness

For it happened

It was wonderful


I saw the stars this morning

And it was wonderful.

This was taken on a camping trip with friends a few years ago. It was a moment of pure joy.

Evolving Emotions: Forevermore

I feel your presence beside me

On the frigid, unforgiving Earth

On the lonely wooden park bench

On the gentle bed we shared


I hear your voice 

In the corridor you passed

In the kitchen you cherished

In the doorway to our home


I smell you in all that is beautiful

A hint of lavender in someone’s hair

A box of oranges sold at the market

A loaf of bread I find at the bakery


I surmise that I’ve see you


Maybe not. 

Perhaps it is madness


It’s hard to discern

The wishes and whims

The truth and sacred lies


Perhaps, I witness what I was too blind to see yesterday

No matter



We are apart

But soon

We will feel each other’s warmth

In a plane unlike this one


My joy

My love

My apparition forevermore 


Evolving Emotions: Inquisition

What if I were?

Would my peers avoid me

Would my parents dismiss me

Would my God disown me

Would my universe mock me


What if I were?

Would I deny it

Would I despise myself

Would my mind denounce my thoughts

Would I curb my yearnings

Would my eyes avert their judging gaze


From the sight of her

Her dimples

Her smile

Her laugh

Her special beauty to behold


What if I were?

Would I love myself in time


Acceptance drives acceptance

If you were to love yourself wholly and completely

If you were to take on your internal quarrels valiantly

If you were to embrace those different from yourself

If you were to take them in with open arms


Maybe that love would double



Until it fills the very room

Crowding out the scrutiny

Expunging the former negativity


Love you

Love others

Maybe those around you will learn

To love themselves


What if you were you?


the rose vine – “The Color of Water”

“The Color of Water”

I coast through bands of muddy water,

a reddish swarm 



the instant motion ceased,

                                                            crossing both ends 

                                         of matter


movement isolated

in a drop of water,


                                                            animals naked

covering a space



water stained red


                                                ocean abounded

                                                with living



from the land

                                                narrow lines of water

            a bright red colour


            on              the discoloration

                                                                        of water spawn;


                                                the dark

and sinuous

                                    colour of being


a colour

the putrefying carcase


            no great distance


This is a found poem from Darwin’s The Voyage of The Beagle, which I don’t necessarily recommend reading, but if you want to you can here. That’s why color has a “u” in it. Also, if you want to try erasure poetry this is the site this poem originated from.