Evolving Emotions: Regretful “I”


Question her lack of

Reciprocation. I made a

Declaration about my

Intentions and yet her dull

Reaction leaves me in my

Emotions. Is further

Action necessary? Or should I stir in my

Ambitions and keep

Caution close to the chest? For the

Duration that I remain

Fixation is all I know.

Rumination about what could have been if I had

Conviction in my speech. What could have been of this

Situation if I had told her? My only

Communication was a pitiful



Evolving Emotions: Overwhelming Prospects

Smothered in paper

Opening and closing


My laptop and textbook


Cups of coffee surround me

Highly caffeinated, sleep deprived students


Talk and walk quickly

Obviously overwhelmed and


Doing all they can

On the path to graduation…


Stumbling upon an

Open space


Magnificent newness

Unknown to me

Cautiously approaching what is

Hardly familiar


Too many places



Sights to behold


Exploration to embark on


Sorrowful words

Over who I could have been


Mulling over who I could be



Happening now


To become

Obsolete is likely


But to become

Extraordinary would be spectacular.

So much to do. So much to see. So much to be. How beautifully unfortunate.

The Rise of the Band Geeks, Episode 12: Requiem for Marching Band Season

Ice on my tongue, crusted

Over harsh, bitter puffs of nothingness

I trusted

The months would stretch and coalesce into taffy-like time

That eternities would burn in the aftermath of summer’s speed

And all evenings would be fever dreams of drill and fundamentals and Varsity

Until the sun slid behind the lids of the multihued trees and the Fearless Leader

Summoned the teeming mass of band geeks to the center of the tower and we all

Screamed “Go, Michigan!” as a team and December was but a beam on future’s horizon


In January’s rut I cling

To the remainder of the season in my closet and the singing, screaming shrieks of victory

Storms of maize and blue and snow that flowed round human flesh

And the heat that dwindled into a freeze as the fall washed into my memory

And the bright maize lights and the blimp and the remembrance

The fusion of fall with first Notus, then Boreas,


Entanglement of life with Heaven


They said we wouldn’t win until Hell had frozen over

Before they realized

Hell is a town in Michigan.

The Poetry Snapshot: Lady Waiting

Waiting is indifferent to your desires.
Careless about the fires ignited for those
people and places you long for.

She has a cunning style,
cloaked in a fragrance of temptation.

Westchester, New York

Waiting is patient,
She waits until you cannot wait any longer.
Then She grips onto your life
with a hold that cannot be stronger.

She works universally,
knows no boundaries,
dancing with our fragile hearts

Waiting has no intention to comfort you.
No incentive to soothe your anxious mind
in the intervals of time in between.
For She holds time in her hand,
elongating it for no reason except for that She can.

She is cruel like that.
Waiting is cruel.

And then
just like that,
She is gone.

She’s replaced by a blink of euphoria
in the eyes that meet,
a sight of sweet smiles,
streets coming alive
just for you.
And all that time spent waiting
melts away.
She’s forgotten.

It’s a feeling worth waiting for.

Evolving Emotions: The Inventor’s Mind 

Majestic but plain

Concrete but finicky

Mysterious but disclosed


Triumphant yet bittersweet

Crazed yet sane


Wholesomeness twisted

Into a contortion of the purest will


What is it that you want from me?

A craving that torments your inner satisfaction


A sadistic masterpiece

Of enrapturing composition


Tweaked by the mind

Solidified in the soul

Written on the tongue

Etched in the heart


A chase amidst insanity

Within the mind

Barriers to the complete

The creation


Each intricately aligned

Precisely where intended

For the eye to digest

And for the mouth to gasp in disbelief


The beauty in perfect imperfection

Synonymous antonyms

Arranged for the insane guest

Amidst a chase towards insanity


Evolving Emotions: Resolve

A much-awaited blank slate

A fresh commencement

A new beginning


Millions flock

With hopeful hearts

And passionate gazes


Purchase a membership

Begin an instrument

Preserve the coin


Stop smoking

Quit biting your nails

End negative self-talk


Do better

Be better

Live better


Newfound confidence

In a person, just the same

In a year, just the same

As before


A new package

Wrapping glimmers beneath

An optimistic bow


Inside a gray waste

Previous aspirations

Tossed aside

A mangled mess of guilt awry


Pointlessness is relative

Some cling to goals

Triumph in the struggle

And come out champions of their mind


Most others agree

A new year

Is a number.






The moment motivation grips you

Run with it

Awaiting that square on your calendar

Is an absurd venture


Move your body

And achieve


One life to live

Why spend it waiting?


Why say, I’ll stop and smell the roses next year?