Sunday, April 10th from 7pm-10pm, Shei Magazine will host their annual event in honor of their new issue. Shei Magazine is a student-led publication on campus that dedicates itself to the arts, culture, and fashion. The night will celebrate University students who have been nominated for their signature style. The selected group of students will model their looks, each showcasing their good taste in fashion. The fashion show guarantees an eclectic mix of clothing, ranging from vintage finds to current trends. To reserve tickets, email Simply include your name, the number of tickets you would like to purchase, and the ticket type. Presale tickets cost $7 for general admission and $12 for VIP tickets as opposed to $10 general and $15 VIP at the door Sunday evening. A VIP ticket includes a copy of the magazine and a gift bag. For those who preordered, tickets can be picked up and paid for at the doors of The Michigan League Ballroom the night of the event.