Photos from the first North Campus Photo Competition, sponsored by Living Arts, were on display in the Duderstadt connector from March 12-16. Students were given the opportunity to capture North Campus as they see it in a photo, and submit it to Living Arts to be judged for the competition. Winners were given cash prizes–first place was given $300, second place was given $150, and third place was given $75. 125 photos were submitted, and only three winners were chosen!
First place went to Peter Shin, for his beautiful depiction of the nature and culture of North Campus.

Second place was awarded to Daniel Chern, for his depiction of the North Campus fountain at night, the still water reflecting the lamps and the trees like glass. (As a North Campus resident myself, the fountain, especially at night, is a really cool place to hang out in the spring and summer!)

Third place went to Jerald Shi, for capturing the North Campus Belltower, surrounded by the fall foliage, and of course, the most sure sign of fall having arrived, a student walking to class with his backpack.
Other favorites of my own include:
A beautiful mosaic wall (though I’m not sure where this is located on North!) by Nadine Dyskant-Miller,

the shadowy modern lines cast upon the stairs on North Campus, by Daniel Chern,

and the architectural “Reflecting Upon the Reflecting Pool” by Nathan Hartmann,

Though the exhibit in the Duderstadt hardly did these photographs justice, I hope that anyone who sees these photos recognizes the beauty of North Campus that many students never take the time to appreciate. Come see the beauty of North Campus for yourself, through your own personal lens!
To find out more about the North Campus photo competition, check out the website: