Review: Handel’s Messiah

Handel’s glorious, “Messiah” was in three parts.
The first part discussed the coming of the Messiah; the second part ( my favorite) deals with his purpose of being on earth and all the sacrifices he made; and the last part discusses why we should be thankful for him.
I loved how some of the notes ( from musical instruments) fulfilled the perfect cresendo and decresendo in the second part as they described some of the more sacrifices that Christ made. Hence, it made the second act the most heightened and dramatic of the three. There were several instruments which helped create this music.
My favorite were the notes from the harpsichord. But perhaps, I am a little biased because the harpsichord is my favorite instrument. I will also add that the choral voices were very uplifting. The performance by Brenda Rae was rather elegant. But my all-time favorite part of this event was when we in the audience got to sing “Hallelujah, Hallelujah.” That truly felt grand to be part of a classically and well known musical verse- and it was fun!


I love big dogs, movies from the 1930s-1960s, I am a "girly -girl-feminist" and I love fast food.