After a long week of midterms and cold, not quite Fall/not quite Winter weather, come enjoy a big band jam session by the top Jazz Ensemble in U of M’s School of Music! Your feet will dance as you sit in your seat. Your mind will be free to imagine life in many colors and tunes and sounds you didn’t even know instruments could make!
What: UM’s Jazz Ensemble concert
When: Thursday, October 23 at 8:00 pm
Where: Rackham Auditorium
How Much?: Free!
Jump and jive to contemporary big band pieces by Ellen Rowe, Fred Sturm, Paul Ferguson, John Clayton, and Benny Golson. Unfamiliar with these names? That’s okay! Since when is expanding your taste in music ever a bad thing?
And while you wait for Thursday night, listen to the Jazz Ensemble’s phenomenal performance of Charles Mingus’ “Moanin'” from last year!