I stopped dancing some time around the second grade. As a child, I was interested in anything and everything. From piano lessons to writing camps to basketball, my parents had to draw the line somewhere, so dance was the first to be cut out of a long list of disparate activities. It has always been something that I wish I had continued though. To this day, I am in awe of dancers’ grace, poise, and flexibility. Every movement of the body seems purposeful, practiced . . . perfected.
Admittedly, after I attend dance performances, I find myself imitating their movements. (Side note: there should really be a “do not try this at home” warning on show pamphlets. I’ll confess to a couple of pulled muscles).
Nevertheless, I LOVE watching dance programs. On Friday evening, I had the opportunity to check out “Impact,” a student-run dance company on campus. Their show consisted of over a dozen numbers in varying styles of dance. The performers were adept and composed. Their movements were synchronous and their limbs shifted and swayed in really elegant ways.
One of my favorite numbers, “River,” was an up-tempo piece performed with attitude and intention. Their sharp gestures exuded confidence and passion.
The show was well organized and moved swiftly from number to number. There was a variety of solos, duets, a guest performance from both The Michigan G-Men and Ballroom Dance Team, and it concluded with a full number as all 18 women united for one final time on stage.
Be sure to check out Impact next semester on campus! They are a hardworking and talented team and deserve recognition!