REVIEW: Echoes: A Music Journey to the East

In the fall of 2019, Qingyun Chinese Ensemble was founded, emerging as the University of Michigan’s first and only Chinese music ensemble and carrying a mission to bring traditional Chinese music to Michigan audiences. Their recent performance at the McIntosh Theater, Echoes: A Music Journey to the East, operates as an extension of their ambitions, focusing on bridging the gap between ancient melodies and contemporary interpretations. With extensive experience in their respective instruments, the members not only displayed technical skills but also a deep pride in representing their culture and heritage. 

Echoes: A Music Journey to the East was divided into three chapters–Journey to the West, Diversity in Harmony, and Life as a Bundle of Spirits– each showcasing a diverse selection of short pieces. Soloists and full ensembles constantly fluttered on and off the stage with their instruments as two announcers enthusiastically introduced each piece’s context and featured instruments. The announcers noted specifics of certain instruments, for example, how the sound of a solo instrument accentuated the intended emotion of the piece, as well as some of the song’s history. Whether or not audience members arrived with prior knowledge of Chinese traditional music, Qingyun ensured they left with a newfound understanding of the genre. 

My knowledge of Chinese traditional music is limited, and perhaps as a result, I found the evening marked by diverting surprises. I was taken at how the performers utilized the entirety of their instruments– for example, tapping on the base of the erhu (Chinese fiddle) or running a stick beater along the ridged encirclement of a dagu (Chinese bass drum)– and at the variety of songs being played. The repertoire ranged from Chinese folk music to more contemporary pieces, to adaptations of music from the video game Black Myth: Wukong, alongside a Japanese song and Mozart’s iconic Turkish March. The distinct sounds each instrument produced were strikingly beautiful, and when the full ensemble came together in the final chapter, their rich harmony was accentuated by individual tones adding layers of texture. I especially loved when the sounds of the dizi (Chinese transverse flute) poked through with its deep, melodic tones. Additionally, many of the traditional songs performed were deeply rooted in nature, a sensation that resonated in the music itself—the dizi evoked birdsong, the muyu (woodblock) mimicked the rhythm of galloping horses, and the guzheng (Chinese plucked zither) gently flowed like water streaming down a mountainside. 

Performance of Erhu Concerto “War Horses Galloping” (1976)

The compact McIntosh theater seated no more than 100 viewers, fostering an easy exchange between the performer on stage and the audience. The ability to see each musician’s fingers move deftly across their instrument, catch subtle expressions, and witness the silent nods exchanged before beginning a piece added a sense of intimacy to the experience. The final surprise song was one of exuberant energy as the behind-the-scenes crew was brought onto the stage and the audience was invited to heartily clap along to the rhythm. After the performance, there was also a ‘Meet the Instrument’ segment where the audience was invited to come up on stage and play the exhibited instruments.

The Qingyun Chinese Music Ensemble continues to provide a space for students to refine their craft while introducing new audiences to the often-overlooked beauty of Chinese traditional music. Their performance was both welcoming and educational, offering an experience that was not only immersive but also deeply personal, reflecting the performers’ passion for their art. 

More information on the ensemble as well as the pieces and instruments performed in Echoes: A Music Journey to the East can be found here:

REVIEW: The Music of Studio Ghibli

Performing on the Michigan Theater stage this March was not only the talented musicians of the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra (A2SO) but also a giant, grey, round creature known as Totoro. The audience laughed as the creature suddenly popped onto the stage, waving its arms and pouting as the conductor playfully reprimanded it. This creature, Totoro, is a beloved character from My Neighbor Totoro, a 1988 animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli, a renowned Japanese animation studio known for its beautifully crafted and nostalgic films. 

For their March Pops performance, Studio Ghibli at the Symphony, A2SO brought the magic of Studio Ghibli to life through music, performing Joe Hishashi’s pieces from My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, and Howl’s Moving Castle. Studio Ghibli films have found a loyal audience for several generations, reflected in the large number of families that attended. The typical formality of classical performances was immediately deconstructed, evidently with the focus being on media rooted in pop culture, but also in the tone guest conductor Wilbur Lin addressed the audience. Throwing in jokes and placing small stuffed animals of Studio Ghibli characters on his podium made the night much more family-friendly. 

The night opened up with a variation on Hisaishi’s Merry-Go-Round and Cave of Mind from Howl’s Moving Castle, transitioning into a segment intertwining music and narration from My Neighbor Totoro. Momo Kajiwara narrated the film’s story in Japanese, while the orchestra provided a playful, accompanying score, enhancing the tale through sound. Kajiwara’s crisp, sweet voice was well-suited for the role, adding warmth to the performance. However, I found myself straining to read the pamphlet in the dark, as it was the only translation source for her narration. Because the story is such a central aspect of the experience, it would have been helpful to have more accessible forms of translation. 

Momo Kajiwara narrating Orchestra Stories: My Neighbor Totoro

After a brief intermission—during which guests eagerly lined up to take photos with Totoro—the performance concluded with Kiki’s Delivery Service and Spirited Away Suite. The latter was especially expansive, capturing the emotional arc of the film as the music swelled with dark tension before fading into a gentle stillness.

Hearing these pieces performed live evoked a deep sense of nostalgia. The childlike playfulness present in the films was beautifully mirrored in Hisaishi’s scores, particularly through the lively percussion. The tinkling of bells and the warm, rounded tones of the xylophone added a whimsical touch. However, despite Studio Ghibli’s strong appeal to children, the films resonate with audiences of all ages because they explore deeper themes. Miyazaki’s works evolve with the viewer, gradually revealing reflections on childhood innocence, cultural identity, corruption, love, and family.This emotional depth was mirrored in the performance, where moments of lightheartedness were contrasted by sudden shifts in mood. Conductor Lin noted that Hisaishi deliberately used percussion to mark these transitions—an idea that stayed with me as the dark boom of the cymbal echoed through the theater. 

Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra performing select Studio Ghibli pieces

The evening was a mesmerizing tribute to the timeless magic of Studio Ghibli, bringing the beloved films to life through music. A2SO’s performance not only showcased the brilliance of Hisaishi’s compositions but also captured the emotional depth and whimsical charm that make Miyazaki’s stories so enduring. From the playful innocence of My Neighbor Totoro to the sweeping grandeur of Spirited Away, it was a night that reminded audiences of why these films continue to enchant audiences of all ages.

REVIEW: Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto

The rising swell of the orchestra is an anticipation that never tires. The lights softly dim as the musicians come alive, humming with energy. Taking the February MainStage, Stefan Jackiw performs the much revered and demanding Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto alongside Music Director Earl Lee and the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. 

Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra performs for the February MainStage (Photo credits to Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra)

The evening opens with Jessie Montgomery’s Overture and concludes with Dmitri Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 10, choices I found were extremely effective in their respective roles. Montgomery’s Overture, I thought, was a piece marked by anticipation. The whispery, shallow sounds felt like they were moving towards something, then faded off, generating an interesting tension. Shostakovich’s piece was distinctly marked by deep, dramatic tones and a frantic energy. But for sure, my highlight of the night was hearing Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto live. While not too familiar with classical music, this was a piece I’ve listened to time and time again. Tchaikovsky’s only violin concerto is a piece full of movement– shifting from periods of softness to an enthusiastic intensity. And it always lights up my heart to hear the moment the sounds explode, culminating in a beautifully rich melody. It somehow always feels new and captivating. I found that Jackiw’s thoughts on the piece were an interesting extension of my feelings: “It’s so fun to play; it’s so fun to listen to; it has blazing virtuosity and heart-on-your-sleeve lyricism; so I think it’s going to be a real treat to bring it to Ann Arbor.” The piece really is quite fun, and even more so when I get to watch the movements of the musicians. Jackiw played with fierce intensity, only to let it dissolve into moments of near silence, his bow grazing the violin’s strings so gently as the theater dissolved into utter silence. While incomparable to the experience of sitting in the Michigan Theater, I left the performance with a renewed desire to listen to the concerto on repeat. 

Critically acclaimed violinist Stefan Jackiw performs at the Michigan Theater (Photo credits to Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra)

While not my first time attending a symphonic performance, this was my first time seeing a performance by the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra. Another notable aspect of my experience was the program pamphlets handed to every attendee. Especially as an attendee fairly unfamiliar with the classical music scene, the descriptions found in the program were especially welcome. Written by Jeremy Reynolds, there was remarkable attention given to each piece performed– from the specific instruments involved to the piece’s history to a beautiful description of the music to come. To go in with somewhat of an idea of what I’d be listening to and then to be blown away by the sound truly amplified my experience. My utmost respect is given to not only all of the performers on stage but also those off stage who make it possible for everyone to access the world of music in such an open manner.


REVIEW: Strange You Never Knew

When first entering the exhibition, the words that immediately greet the viewer are “Please Take Off Your Shoes.” The title of this series reflects a custom common to many Asian households— a sign of respect for the host and a gesture of humility. 

Strange You Never Knew marks artist and photographer Jarod Lew’s first solo exhibition, centering on the interplay between personal identity, generational stories, and a larger community. The idea of ‘knowing’ is not only Lew’s exploration of his identity but also asks the viewers to question the extent they know about others. With the title Please Take Off Your Shoes, Lew establishes the concept of exploring customs and stories rooted in his Asian heritage that is often obscured, inviting us into these invisible spaces of his community. The intimacy of these interior spaces and connections between humans serves as a contrast to the external perceptions of Asian American communities that tend to be surface-level and binary. 

Exhibition panel featuring the Please Take Off Your Shoes placard

The exhibition consists of four sections— Please Take Off Your Shoes, In Between You and Your Shadow, Mimicry, and The New Challengers Strike Backeach examining the contrast between reality and perception. At times, Lew’s works are laced with humor and amusement. Try playing The New Challengers Strike Back where the goal is to beat up a car. Take a close look at the family-style slideshow in the living room and you’ll find that many of the photographs are of Lew’s face edited onto old images of white, suburban families. In one image, he’s a young boy at a birthday party, and in another, a doting wife. But there’s also a disturbing reality to other photos shown in the sequence: untouched photographs of midwestern communities hosting “Chinese Block Parties” featuring costume-like versions of traditional Asian attire. However, with these photographs in conversation, there’s a third element: genuineness. The other untouched photographs are the ones featuring the lived experiences of Asian Americans. 

Genuineness pervades through the collections of works. At times, there’s a solemn beauty in the ways Lew captures his subjects, particularly his mother. This series was inspired by Lew discovering his mother had been engaged to Vincent Chin, a Chinese-American man who was beaten to death by two white automotive workers. Despite his mother’s wishes to be obscured in the photographs, Lew’s photographs preserve the stories that might have otherwise been lost in history. Vincent Chin is a name that reverberates in the Asian American narrative, but what of the other entangled stories? 

Photo Credits: Jarod Lew

I had the privilege of hearing both Lew and curator, Jennifer Friess, speak about the work, and hearing the stories behind the pieces accentuated my experience. I loved hearing about how shooting one photograph with his dad, the one where he sits wearing his post-officer uniform, made his dad cry. I remember Lew saying how his dad felt like he was wearing his old self again, this period of strength in his life. And how when Lew was departing for Yale, his father suddenly told him his grandfather was an enthusiastic photographer and showed him a box of his photographs, many of which appear in the exhibit. 

This collection of photographs explores a necessary conversation about layers– the profound nuances within Asian American culture, the stories that trail between generations, and the histories that trickle into the present. Strange You Never Knew presents a powerful juxtaposition, true to the complex nature of identities emerging from different backgrounds. It is simultaneously humorous and playful, while also deeply reflective and personal. Most of all, it is welcoming in nature. While the perspectives in the exhibition may be something familiar or unfamiliar, the space is asking you to be open— to (metaphorically) take off your shoes. What awaits behind the door is an obscured hand, holding up a sign of love. 

Photo Credits: Jarod Lew

Strange You Never Knew: A Solo Exhibition by Jarod Lew  is on view at UMMA through June 15th.