REVIEW: “Einstein on the Beach”

In order to avoid reciting a less than satisfactory, Wikipedia synopsis of Einstein on the Beach’s history and critical interpretation, here is the link to the University Musical Society’s summary of the opera:

Now that that is out of the way, I want to reflect on my terrifically incredible experience at this past Friday evening’s spectacular performance (even if it was only a rehearsal) of “Einstein on the Beach.”

Before seeing the opera, I spent a few days pondering the meaning of the title, “Einstein on the Beach.” The title is seemingly ironic: Einstein— a scientific genius— paired with the beach— a contemporary symbol of tranquility and all things chill. Are these two elements compatible? In the minds of Robert Wilson and Philip Glass (along with myself, if my interpretation is correct), these two qualities are very compatible.

Einstein is an icon of pure, abstract thinking, along with representing the ability to think beyond man-made limits or boundaries (my personal favorite Einstein quote— “imagination is more important than knowledge”). Accordingly, the beach is a boundless area (as opposed to the confines of a science laboratory. Can you imagine the alternative— Einstein in the Lab— how dull.) Pairing Einstein with the Beach ironically embodies the genius of Einstein: that is, how Einstein is a character who transcends the traditional symbols and rules of western, America education— school, the lab, formal settings)— and the beach is a perfect setting, one stereotypically atypical of a genius (Einstein’s childhood was stereotypically atypical of a genius. His early teachers told his parents that school was not for him; although, maybe this is just a reflection on the unsatisfactory nature of traditional teaching methods). Finally, similar to Einstein’s anti-traditional, boundless brilliance, the Beach is also boundless (in the opera, there is actually a line in the final scene that reflects upon the infinite nature of the beach and the ocean).

The question going into the opera then, was, would the performance accurately reflect the grand nature of the title. After sitting straight through four and a half hours of opera, I think that it does. Spectacularly, the performance embodies the entire nuance of the title and more. The abstract expression of the performance— from set design, to costume design, to lighting, to the singing, to the music— is meant to give us, the spectator, a glimpse into the limitless mind of Einstein.

While there is not a traditional narrative plot, there is a heavy use of juxtaposing elements to reveal a theme (reminding myself, a film student, about Eisenstein’s theory of montage. I wonder if this ever occurred to the producers). For instance, during the Trial scene one of the judges is a little boy. The juxtaposition of the judge uniform—a symbol of justice— with the tiny boy—a symbol of youthfulness— might signify that our law system (or Einstein’s “jury of peers”) is still “youthful”. Moreover, during this same scene both of the judges absent-mindedly pour random, flour-like substance out of a beaker and onto the table. Here, the juxtaposition of the judges stereotypical costume— symbols of the law— in contrast with the arbitrary pouring of beakers— a symbol of bad science— might represent how the judicial system (in general, or of the academic “judicial system” who initially rejected Einstein’s theory) is  a bad science.

Juxtaposing symbols is a technique that recurs throughout the opera, and its use forces the spectator to think abstractly rather than traditionally. While this may seem like an onerous task, it is actually a rewarding and relaxing experience. Through the use of color (white vs. red vs. black), dance (static movement vs. fluid movement), lighting (light vs. dark), music (rich melody vs. dull melody), and set design (minimalist vs. slightly more minimalist), almost every theme is conveyed through the use of symbols. The music highlights the dance (which was brilliantly choreographed by Lucinda Childs), which highlights the set, which highlights the colors, and ultimately this methodology creates an experience that is greater than the sum of its parts. In retrospect, this methodology is reflected in the opera’s motif of the circle— a shape that embodies holistic thinking.

My only concern with “Einstein on the Beach” is that it sanctifies Einstein (making him appear almost godlike, nearly equivalent with a holistic, abstract representation of the universe) to the point where his qualities are seemingly untenable. While there is a character in the opera who plays Einstein (physically showing us a concrete Einstein), the entire time this character is 1) separate from the set, thereby putting Einstein on a different level than the performance, and 2) playing the violin, as if it were the only thing that he cared about. Ultimately, I imagine that Glass, the creator of the opera, see Einstein as a figure who entirely embodies the highest natural form of being (maybe this is too speculative, however?).

Unfortunately, the opera is no longer in Michigan and may not be for a long time (tickets are, I imagine, difficult to get for upcoming performances in New York and Berkeley as well). However, the next time it does come back to Michigan (or a theatre near you), I recommend you go see it.

Finally, in summary, I think that it is the opera’s innovative, abstract use of the elements (instead of the typical reliance on content) that allows the spectator an experience this is simultaneously visceral and intellectually stimulating.

PREVIEW: Chris DuPont at The Blind Pig

Already need a break from studying? Check out Chris DuPont live at The Blind Pig!

The local musician plays easy-on-the-ears ambiant folk-rock. You’ll be sure to hear plenty of original tunes from his most recent album “Lay No Claim.” The performance is not just a solo act. DuPont is accompanied by several other musicians, including Katie Van Dusen on violin who *cough* I may or may not have lived with last summer…ahh many a’front-porch summer night jam sessions to be remembered.  Not to sound like a groupie or anything.

For a night of charming harmony and gentle acoustics, be sure to check out the show!

Let Chris serenade you with a homemade invitation. Get a better taste of what you can look out for on Tuesday night.

Chris DuPont

January 24th 2012

The Blind Pig

208 S. First St

Doors at 9:30

$5, 21+/$8, 18+

Get more info on the artist at his website

PREVIEW: Mrs. King

Hey, you! Did you miss out on the MLK Symposium events because you were out of town last weekend? Well, worry no more because the conversation continues! On January 26th at 5pm in the Michigan Union Pond Room come hear Professor Beverly Guy-Sheftall and Professor Anna Julia Cooper give a lecture entitled: “Revisioning the Life of Coretta Scott King.” Professor Guy-Sheftall is the founding director of the Women’s Research and Resource Center while Professor Cooper is among the faculty in the Women’s Studies department at Spelman College (MLK Symposium website). I’m really excited to learn about Coretta Scott King because I honestly know slim to nothing about her. On the MLK Symposium 2012 website, it says: “Repositioning Coretta Scott King, mostly known as Dr. King’s widow, as a warrior for social justice, this talk will provide a fuller portrait of her extraordinary and largely invisible life…”

Should be an interesting lecture, so if you aren’t busy, come on by!

For more information and on a few other upcoming events of the MLK Symposium, check out their website:

REVIEW: Restaurant Week

It’s Restaurant Week in Ann Arbor. What does that mean? A host of delicious restaurants around town are offering deals on lunches and dinners.

Here’s how to play: For a fixed price of $12 for Lunch and $25 for Dinner, you get any combination of a three course meal, a dessert, or a drink (some restaurants offer two for one pricing).

Restaurant Week is sponsored by Main Street Ann Arbor as well as several other organizations dedicated to cultivating a sense of culture and community in the city. One of the best ways to do that is through food. The great thing about Restaurant Week is that is allows a spectrum of citizens who may not ordinarily splurge to have a night out at a fancy joint for an affordable price. From Gratzi to Jamaican Jerk Pit, Gandy Dancer to Jazzy Veggie, Restaurant Week covers the range of eateries that Ann Arbor has to offer.

This special week occurs twice a year: once in the January and once in June. Last summer, I was working as a server at The Jolly Pumpkin Café and Brewery on Main Street. During the event, the restaurant offered specials like lemon-thyme risotto, braised duck, and pumpkin flavored whoopie pies. Delish! And let me tell you, the place was packed, so make sure if you’re going to hit the town you make a reservation. Some things to keep in mind: Restaurant Week’s prix fix does not include tax or tip, so if you take a date be sure you have a little extra pocket change.

Here is a list of restaurants close to campus you may want to check out:

Seva, Sava’s on State, Silvio’s Organic Pizza, Jamaican Jerk Pit, and The Original Cottage Inn

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University of Michigan’s student radio station is broadcasting a live performance!

Here are the basics:

Woody Goss, Julian Allen, Katie Battistoni– Wednesday, January 18– 8 pm– Work Gallery (306 S.State)– FREE entry!

Here are the details:
WCBN DJ’s Bennett Stein, Cory Levinson, Eleanor Dumouchel, and Shelley Salant present a live musical performance. Details from the WCBN website site describe the event as thus:

“Woody Goss makes a live soundtrack to projected footage from the 2001 film Winged Migration, a documentary showing the migration patterns of birds the world over. Then Woody will be joined by Julian Allen on drums and Katie Battistoni on electric guitar to play songs. All three musicians went through the jazz program at U of M. Katie’s playing is dedicated to the marriage of her twin sister, Julian is playing for what’s left of his innocence, and Woody is playing to world premiere his new secret technique. A magical gathering, indeed!”

Before Wednesday, be sure to check out the Facebook event. Oh, and apparently there will be free WCBN 40th Anniversary Coffee from the Ugly Mug. Can’t miss that!

Keep your eyes open for another upcoming Live WCBN Event at Work Gallery next week:

Living Writers with T. Hetzel–LIVE wsg Zell Distinguished Poet in Residence Naomi Shihab Nye– Wednesday January 25– 8pm– Work Gallery (306 S. State)– FREE entry!

See you there!

PREVIEW: Open Stage at The Ark

This Wednesday night is open stage at The Ark. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are only $3.00, making for a cheap night out for us poor college students! The format of open stage is really interesting and unique. Prospective performers show up on the night of the show and put their name in a hat, prepared with a set of a few songs to perform that night. 15 performers are chosen at random throughout the night, so the performers who show up may or may not end up taking the stage that night. I can only imagine that the show will be exciting for both performers and audience members. If you’re a musician interested in performing, check out The Ark website!

Come check out up-and-coming local musicians and have a fun and cheap night out to make the week go by faster! See you Wednesday at The Ark!