As I expected, today’s trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts was phenomenal!  It’s such a beautiful building, filled with an extremely diverse collection of art ranging from medieval times to modern and contemporary exhibits.

My favorite non-artsy room was definitely Kresge Court (which deserves to be its own exhibit because I was tempted to spend all my time there).

Aside from Kresge Court, however, I got to see some of the most amazing art.  Take, for example, my favorite painting, called Interior of Saint Peter’s, Rome by Giovanni Panini.  I was incredibly excited to return.  It was wonderful to see again, and to show my friend!

Part of Panini’s “Interior of Saint Peter’s, Rome”

Aside from that painting, I saw enough of Panini’s work at the DIA to officially declare him as my favorite artist.  Some of the other works by Panini present at the DIA include View of the Roman Forum (pictured below) and View of the Colosseum (1735).  Panini’s work and mastery of depth is really astounding.

“View of the Roman Forum” (1735)

After Panini, we moved onto some other incredible paintings.  In no order, here are some of the works that I enjoyed:

“Culebra Cut” by Jonas Lie (1913)
“Indian Summer” by Jervis McEntee (1860-1)

There was also one particularly humorous work of art ingeniously titled “Bread With Egg” by Jeff Koons (tempera over hydrocal).  It was nothing more than a glass case containing three differently-colored egg yolks atop three croissants.  My friend and I especially liked that one.

We also managed to pose beside some of the artworks, which inspired a couple conversations with other museum-goers.  The image below this was perfected thanks to a passing couple who instructed me on how to hold my head:

I was really excited to be returning to the DIA.  Even though I have been there a few times now, I got to see a few new areas of the museum (like Kresge Court and “Bread With Egg”) and revisit my old favorite: Panini.


Even though I’ve been to the DIA a few times now, I’m always excited when there’s an opportunity for me to return.  My favorite painting that I’ve seen so far is called Interior of Saint Peter’s, Rome by Giovanni Panini because of its color scheme and depth.

There are also new exhibits that I’m excited for.  These exhibits are namely Fifty Years of Collecting: Detroit Institute of Arts’ Friends of Prints, Drawings and Photographs Anniversary Exhibition and a drop-in printmaking session.  As someone who’s particularly interested in photography, the former exhibit sounds intriguing.  As for the latter, I studied at Interlochen Summer Arts Camp awhile back and did some printmaking – I’d like to see if I’ve improved!

I’ll be at the DIA from 1-6pm tomorrow thanks to the Markley Residence Hall Council!  Can’t wait!