PREVIEW: RC Players presents Breaking News

Image created by Manami Maxted

We interrupt your daily routine of papers, Starbucks runs, naps, and Facebooking for this special report: The sleepy town of Hiddlesville is rocked with explosions, and everybody’s got something to say about it. And that’s just what the bombers want…

Skyler Tarnas, a junior in the RC, has written and directed a “tragedy-comedy about the comedy of tragedy” in order to comment on the ridiculously frivolous arguments made by television broadcasters in the face of tragedy. Watch as East Quad becomes the battle field for CNN-inspired brawls, laugh until you cry, and let emotions tangle and twist in this satirical genre-bending production.

What: RC Players Presents: Breaking News

When: November 21-23 (Friday and Saturday @ 8:00 pm, Sunday @ 2:00 pm)

Where: Keene Theater in East Quad

How Much?: Free!!!

PREVIEW: Friday Night’s Alright for Reading

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Have you ever been in a writing class, received your red-marked paper back with critiques and underlines and “more sexual tension” here and “suspend reader disbelief” there, and wondered, “Gee, does my teacher practice what he/she preaches in his/her own writing?” Here’s your chance to find out!

What: A literary reading by five local authors, hosted by local publication, Midwestern Gothic

Who: Contributors include U-M English lecturer Julie Babcock, Ann Arbor News crime reporter John Counts, local authors Robert James Russell and Jared Yates Sexton, and the RC’s Laura Thomas.

When: Friday, November 7 at 5 pm

Where: Benzinger Library, East Quad

How Much?: Absolutely free!

To keep up on other creative writerly events in East Quad and around town, check out

PREVIEW: Rachana (presented by Michigan Sahana)

Meaning “creation” in Hindi, Rachana, Michigan Sahana’s first performance of the year, will showcase Michigan students’ original choreography and skillful mastery of Indian instruments. The musical and dance sub-groups that collaboratively make up Sahana celebrate the traditional art forms of Classical India. Count the dancers’  graceful spins and wonder at their ability to avoid dizziness. Tap your toe to the percussive rhythms of the tabla, the Indian version of bongos (watch this amazing tabla video!)  Indulge in a dip into Indian cultural history and power up for the rest of your Halloween night with a little sitar melody.

What: Michigan Sahana presents “Rachana” – a night of Classical Indian Music and Dance

When: Friday, October 31st at 7:00 pm

Where: Stamps Auditorium on North Campus

How Much?: Free!

Find out more about Sahana at

PREVIEW: Hill Auditorium Celebration!

Hill Auditorium is turning 100 this year! To commemorate this historic event, this Saturday, February 2nd, will be a day full of history, art, and ideas to reflect the massive amounts of creative projects that filter in and around Hill. Specifically, UMS is presenting an original documentary on the founding and design of Hill Auditorium that will be premiered Saturday at 2pm in the very building it honors for this historic event.

Some other events to pay homage to the celebratory occasion include:
12 noon – 2pm: Self-Guided Architecture and History Tours and Lunch (on your own)

*2-3pm UMS on Film Special Event: World Premiere!

3:15-4:15pm: Hill @ 100 – The Past, Present, and Future of the Great Concert Hall

4:30-5:30pm: Reception

Should be a great time! All free – be there!!

more info here

REVIEW: MacFest 2012

So last night I attended MacFest 2012 to see the a cappella groups here on campus. It was spectacular! Here’s a rundown of the groups we saw and how I saw them:

(G)imble was freaking awesome. A co-ed a cappella group going on their 15th year combined great songs with fancy rhythms in their performance. I’ve always liked their group, and this year they performed several great songs.

Amazin’ Blue could have been in my top 3 from last night. They sang an entirely beautiful rendition of “Iowa”, a song which I’d never heard before, but it was so gorgeous – I loved it.

The Harmonettes were a little bit of a snoozer after all the excitement of the previous groups. I don’t really remember their songs – nothing stood out. I think they could have brought more than they did.

G-Men totally pulled of a Spanish love song, fiery and fun, they rocked it.

Midnight Blue, granted I’m biased as a member of the Women’s Glee Club, were so great. They first wowed us with the song “Parachute” by Ingrid Michaelson. The soloist, Katie Glidden, was so perfect for it – it was amazing. Next, they sang a parody of “Jesse’s Girl” entitled “I want to date my GSI”. It was so fantastic and entirely relatable.

Dicks and Janes were cute – they were a great contender in the series.

Good News, the all Christian a cappella group that spreads “the good news of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ,” was actually better than I thought they were going to be. I loved their purple, white, and grey attire. Definitely a fan.

Maize Mirchi, Michigan’s premier and only South Asian a cappella group, was okay. Their songs were a little bit slow for my liking, and I think they could have been better off with something more upbeat.

58 Greene did a stunning rendition of Christian Aguilera’s “It’s a Man’s World” with a male singer as the lead. It was incredible – the notes that dude could hit were entirely admirable. Wowzers.

Others from the night included Kol HaKavod (decent), Angels on Call (not so hot – everyone does “Don’t Stop Believin’”, guys! Ahg.), Kopitonez (cutesy – great arrangement of “Some Nights”), Sopranos (awesome), and the Compulsive Lyres (spectacular).

It was a great night and I am totally going to the next concert. Michigan a cappella’s the best – you should definitely check it out next time!

PREVIEW: God of Carnage

It seems that my tastes of late have been very French. First I reviewed Ionesco’s Rhinocéros, and now I’m tackling Yasmina Reza, another French writer. His play God of Carnage depicts an evening involving two children’s respective parents. The action is centered around a playground scuffle between the children in a public park; the pairs of parents meet to discuss the incident in a civilized fashion. Yet as the play progresses, the parents behave more and more childishly and soon we see just how quickly their pretense of civility falls away to reveal the chaos within. I’ve been told the play is uproariously funny. Best yet, and like all Basement shows, it’s free!

What: God of Carnage

Where: Walgreen Drama Center, Studio 1

When: 7:00, tonight, October 27

For more information, visit

I would like to note that in my experience with Basement Arts, the audience isn’t as varied as it could (and should) be. I see mostly people from the theatre or musical theatre program there to support their friends, a few parents, and even fewer strangers. Basement Arts has provided free theatre to the University and its students for nearly a quarter of a century; I urge anyone who can attend this play, or future productions, to do so. Theatre is a vital part of the cultivated life, and what’s more, it’s great fun and an opportunity to get out and meet people!