Staging impactful and politically provocative theatre in times of social unease is the focus of this brilliantly crafted and much-needed presentation hosted by The School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. “Staging Unrest” is a panel, presentation, and discussion centered around the topic of how to stage and interpret art in a politically decisive climate, as well as the role of art in such a climate. The panel includes directors Malcolm Tulip and Dominika Knapik, designers Vince Mountain and Wolfgang Macher, and some of the members from the American and Polish cast. With a robust panel of many perspectives on performance on the stage including academic experts on theatre, this event is sure to be both moving and extremely important.
“Staging Unrest” will take place in the Walgreen Drama Center in the Newman Studio from 5-6:30 pm on Wednesday, September 19th 2018. The event is free; no ticket required.