Evolving Emotions: Squirrel Staring Contest

A bushy tail

Flourishing in the bitter wind

Curiously Driven

Hopelessly Eager


Frantic paws

Working through

The solid Earth

Toward a humble prize


A heart beating rapidly

Blood flooding the body

Lungs accelerating

In the face of something new


A charming face

Greets the beady eyes

The new creature crouches



A stare interlocks them

Each afraid to move



The leaves sound

The being shifts


Away rushes the animal

Up a tree

To refuge

To a world unknown


To the person

Crouching among the leaves

Striking disappointment

Slapped across their face



Erin Knape is a University of Michigan senior majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. Her greatest passion has always been the arts, whether that be writing, painting, or photography. Capturing Campus, a weekly installment of poetry and photography, aims to capture campus life through artistic expression. Dive into Capturing Campus every Sunday!

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2 Comments on "Evolving Emotions: Squirrel Staring Contest"

Wendi Knape
3 years 1 month ago

my fury friend, we meet again.