Jack’s Song (or 16/04/16) by Cavetown is a beautiful tribute to the singer/song-writer’s childhood friend. As our first school year back in person comes to an end, it’s a great time to appreciate the new friends we’ve made and those we’ve been able to connect with over these two semesters. After having the experience of online learning, I know I definitely value studying with people in person more than I did before. Again, good luck with exams and make sure to hug all your friends! More of Cavetown here

Academia Jukebox: Jack’s Song
Thi Mai is a junior majoring in biology, health & society. They love making digital art and comics, and want to start expanding into animation. This semester, they are working towards completing an animated short film. Check out "Frame by Frame" every Sunday night for progress updates and reflection on the process! You can find more of their work on their Tumblr blog: https://cherryysocks.tumblr.com/
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