Capturing Campus: March

Dreaming as a 10-year-old

before acceptance letters
and decision day
commencement speeches
and ceremonies
I thought of college as some mythical place
some mysterious paradise
of granted logic, satisfying meaning
somewhere of hope and possibility
which I know now doesn’t exist in full
but at least the buildings look like Hogwarts
from time to time


Erin Knape is a University of Michigan senior majoring in psychology and minoring in creative writing. Her greatest passion has always been the arts, whether that be writing, painting, or photography. Capturing Campus, a weekly installment of poetry and photography, aims to capture campus life through artistic expression. Dive into Capturing Campus every Sunday!

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2 Comments on "Capturing Campus: March"

11 months 24 days ago

Funny how our perceptions are shaped about what college is, and how that changes over time as we learn reality.