~Sappy Daze~ Day 21

my childhood dream

i had not realized that growing fruit was a 
possibility until i laid eyes on a potted orange
tree in my parent’s friend’s house i didn’t know
growing plants indoors was possible either i was 
fascinated that trees could come in my size and a 
tree my size could already be producing fruit whenever 
i was dragged to another one of my parent’s friend’s houses 
i would always look around to see if they also had an orange 
tree or if the first tree i ever saw was just a dream

- Sappy


Hello, thank you for checking out my page! I'm Sappy, a senior majoring in creative writing with a focus on poetry. ~Sappy Daze~ is a collection of weekly poems that peeks into how Sappy passes the days in a daze (._.) I hope you enjoy :D

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