A Day In Our Lives #11

Hey guys!

I’m writing this post new years day! I don’t know about you guys, but I had a crazy year! It was a lot of fun and I did a lot of cool stuff. I’m looking forward to this year and having a great winter semester. I can’t believe it is already 2023! I hope that everyone this year has a great time and we achieve all of our resolutions. Personally, I want to read more books this year. This week I chose to draw cats because cats are my favorite animal. The numbers are Maize and Blue for our school! I liked drawing this because I would really like to get a cat this year. It will have to be after I move out for the summer because there are no pets allowed at the dorms!

See you next week!


Marissa Woods is a fourth-year student at Penny W Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Second-year writing for Arts, Ink, Marissa is focusing on documenting her fiber arts journey, through Fiber Fridays. Marissa is pursuing a minor in Geology and would like to pursue grad school to eventually become an art professor.

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