Name: Abimelec Guerra
Mix: Puerto Rica (Black & Caucasian-Spanish)
Year: Sophomore
I am a musician( lemme know if yall wanna pull up to a concert!), and I also do a ton of marketing projects!
Q: How has being mixed affected your campus experience?
A: Sometimes being mixed means not being fully part of a community. I often feel that I’m in a constant state of limbo when I meet people and not being able to fully integrate.
Q: What do you wish more people knew about the mixed experience?
A: That mixed people sometimes go through many identity crisis where we have a hard time “picking a side” from our ancestry or being able to identify which side of our genetics to we lean the most.
Q: What is your proudest moment?
A: Learning english on 2018 and being able to speak it. Thanks to that, I’ve been able to meet so many cool people, and create many memories that I shall always cherish.
Q: What are you most anxious about right now?
A: Not disappointing my peers/ mentors.
Q: What kind of person do you aspire to be?
A: Someone that can make others feel welcome and at peace.
Q: Who is the most influential person in your life?
A: Personally, my family( especially my mother) which she taught me the resilience that made her so strong during the time that I was fortunate to have her by my side. Professionally, Bozo Paradzik/ my goat Messi
+1: I am so excited to get to know the rest of the people in this community and to immerse myself with other mixed people as well!!
Mixed on Campus was inspired by the Humans of New York project. The purpose of Mixed on Campus is to give a voice to this university’s mixed community and shed light on its members. Being mixed means to be multiracial, multiethnic, and/or a transnational adoptee. Through Mixed on Campus, mixed students have the opportunity to have their portrait drawn and share their experiences!