TOLAROIDS: Back to campus

This week’s series is short: it’s simply a photo series from my first week on campus. Not every photograph here is my favorite and they do differ in subject and style, but I thought it would be interesting to show what I see when I just walk around without really looking for any specific subject.


I apologize for a late-night post! Stay tuned for next week’s dose of photography


you know where to find me:

akilian@umich.edy & IG @akilian.jpg

TOLAROIDS: Welcome back


Regardless of whether you were here last year or whether it’s your first day at arts, ink., I wanted to (re)introduce myself. My name isย  Tola and since last fall I have been a photography content creator for Arts at Michigan. I love traveling, good coffee, dogs, and bad puns (as you have figured by now). I have exciting things planned for this year: everything from the weekly photo series through photography tutorials to collaborations with other creators and photographers! For my first post, I decided to put some of my favorite images up from different photo series to show you what kind of stuff I usually do โ€“ and although travel photography definitely dominates on my hard drive, I also do a lot of portraits, studio work, reportage, and macro photography.

I will post every Tuesday (probably) afternoon, so stay tuned for more content from Tolaroids. Regardless of whether you want to learn something new about photography or maybe just look at some pretty pictures, I will make sure to keep this blog interesting and exciting for you all! That’s why don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns, or just to say hi (or send me a photography pun).

See you next week!



Instagram: @akilian.jpg

Evolving Emotions: 2022-2023

Hello! I would like to give a quick rundown of what I will be working on during this academic year. To spice things up, I will create an assortment of pieces in varying mediums. Each month, I will focus on a particular emotion/theme.

  • Joy
  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Love
  • Trust
  • Anticipation

The mediums I will include are digital art, photography, poetry, and short story-making. I hope you enjoy what I put together, and feel free to leave comments if you’d like!

See you next Sunday,


The Poetry Snapshot: Touch of Rain

It grazes,
Then slower,
never losing touch of my skin.

When I was younger,
I welcomed the rain like a game.
I would search for each drop in grey skies
and made amends as I watched them fall,
as if I was looking out for an old friend.

Curtain Call on State Street

Like curtain call,
they return for every milestone,
to remind me when I have grown.

Rain falls to celebrate.
And just like fate,
it fell three times over.

First, when I met an angel.
In the storms of loss,
It poured.
Even when I was across oceans and away from home.
To comfort emotions I’ve never felt before.
Embraced and enveloped,
precipitation became a safe haven,
And I didn’t realize the touch of rain could heal.

And then, as I slowly fell in love.
Love, it makes you forget the rain.
But it keeps falling with me.
Nature cries to calm the embers
of a girl struggling
to let her guard down.
It creates a glow that ignites
an unexpected bliss.
I didn’t realize the touch of rain
would feel like a kiss.

And finally, when I learned who I was.
A lone walk past empty seats,
Brought me to this evening.
To a 90 minute soundtrack with greater meaning.
It was a calm before the thunder.
I surrendered to my wonder
And I diverged on my own.
I didn’t realize the touch of rain could be powerful alone.
So from now I will walk in the rain like it’s my throne.

Evolving Emotions: Goodbye

So quickly it began

With nervous laughter

Sweaty palms

Hearts racing wildly

The unknown ahead


So slowly it passed

Difficult days

Difficult nights

Tears and sweat and pain

Awaiting the day


Of the end

The last day of the start

Of more difficult days

Difficult nights ahead

But some good ones too


Much bitter sweetness lingers

In every goodbye

With a wave

Say goodbye to

All of the lessons learned

People met


And things yet to become


We must cherish all endings

However bitter

Or deliciously sweet

For they are final, of course

And now,

Onto something new


Evolving Emotions: Moderation

*Trigger Warning*

This poem contains eating disorder subject matter.


In the realm of hypocrisy

Everything in moderation

The chant that leads to an obsession

An obsession that cannot be moderated

Counting the calories

Saying no

Saying yes becomes a rarity

And even then

Wishing you hadn’t

That number on the scale

Satisfying but wanting

Wanting perfection

That moderation of flesh

Of fat

Of life

Wanting the shock

The surprise

The congratulatory remarks

They didn’t know the damage done

Seasons pass

A new obsession

One of eating feelings

Crying frustration

Counting calories

Unable to stop the pain

You stuff it down your throat

Only for it to come back up

A mess of “moderation”

Of obsession beyond balance

Beyond sense

Polar sides

Neither just right

Always looking


For the approval

For the stability

Of those words

Everything in moderation”