aSoSS 02 | Optimism

Hey, what do you think of this raincoat?

It looks really good! Does it keep the water out?

Yeah, I made it out of a plastic bag. Clever, right? Saves the environment too.

Biological Sciences Building, 11:00PM, 11/9/2023

sometimes we forget that people can be wistful. or creative. or proud. the conscience is plagued with disaster and sprinkled with the remnants of a dream. taking matters into our own hands. are our hands stained with oil, like a chef during rush hour? blood, like an actor during rehearsal? charcoal, like a miner or an artist or a disgruntled christmas elf? what are we to ourselves? what am i to you? i bellow into the wind and it bellows back a hail of frigid sleet. i wrap the plastic bag tighter around my shoulders and turn away.

It could be worse…

I open tomorrow.

See, it is worse!

Spencer’s, 6:00PM, 11/18/2023

walt whitman writes in leaves of grass that we should “do anything, but let it produce joy.” in the back of my mind the words bounce around my head and cloud my vision. time passes but it passes slowly, obliquely, like taking a picture of a spherical reflection and watching the sides of your mouth uncurl a frown (you press your cheek into mine against the chicago bean; i tremble).

the same hands that lock the iron grating will pry the jaws open the very next day. love is the addition — the summation — of everyday beauties; should we approach the negatives — the subtractions — with equal care? equal appreciation? there can be nothing good without something bad. what use is a sunny smile without the absence of a cloudy sorrow?

It doesn’t matter if you’re late or in a hurry. You never cross in front of a bus. Our brakes could fail or a car could pass and we still need you here tomorrow.

Fuller Road at Mitchell Field, 3:00PM, 11/20/2023

valiant optimism will always get you far, but not far enough. we are reduced to nothing more than ants, to figures, to statistics thrown on a powerpoint at the next faculty safety meeting. it’s the way we can quantify ourselves. and what good would that be? you wave to a driver at the cctc and the man next to you brushes past, oblivious. he is the chicken crossing the road, the one that got away. the road watches and crackles under our feet. perfection lost is persistence gained; vows, like eggs, are easily broken.

Capturing Campus: November

Everything is so loud

music blasting

eardrums bursting

fingers buzzing

a jackhammer

to the brain

chanting someone’s name

its indiscernible–huh?

indiscernible shrieking

for joy

for cheer

for love

for hate

because you feel like it

all the talking

lips moving

shifting at the gumline

saying nothing

I can’t hear you

speak louder

say it again

shout it if you have to

drown it out if you have to


I’m afraid I’ll  l o s e  you

between the ringing

in my head

and the cracks

in the skyline

Wolverine Stew: Painted Mountain

There is a deep rolling green at the

Base surrounding a small, clear lake, where

If you tilt your head to listen to the ground, you can see

How the waters make a still reflection

Of the perfect circle of leaves to each tree

The lake is fed by streams of thawed lightning

Coming down from the grey clouds that are

The gold-wood upper borders of this world

I wonder if there is a peak

The greens meld together on the mountain

Unsure whether to be trees or grass or moss

But there is a gentle slope to it all

One to get closer to, to walk and rest at one’s own pace

And maybe you will cross that rainy border of the world

Into some vast sky, blue and shining

But me, I am content here at the base

Wrapped in green reflections and that thought

Of going just a little further up each day

aSoSS 01 | Numbers

Hey, I appreciate you coming to the gym today.

No problem man. I’m going to be honest, I was really tired today and I don’t think I did well. But you being there really helped me.

No human being can give one hundred percent every day.

That’s true. You gain what you give.

Mosher-Jordan Dining Hall, 8:00PM, 11/11/2023

how easy is it to define the number one hundred? to exert maximum effort at the gym is to repeat a set until your arms start to tremble and the muscles give way. must we live the same way? i imagine you poring over a textbook until your eyes glaze over. maximum effort does not equal maximum success. perhaps maximum success is a function of time, an exponential improvement. a chemical delirium – dopamine or serotonin, what’s the difference? one molecule away from madness // from heartbreak // from shutting yourself out — in — away — behind — above…

I used to work at a flower shop, did I tell you that? That’s why my favorite flower is white lily.

Not roses?

They die too fast. I put them in the fridge and after a few days they start wilting. Don’t ever order roses, they always die. I seen them.

Washtenaw + Pittsfield, 3:00PM, 10/30/2023

the cardinal flower of love, so quick to die! i could spend all summer researching the history and symbolism of flowers. beauty is an interpretation, but so is love, and hate, and passion, and almost every adjective in the dictionary. it’s up to perception, the view from above. you stare at the rose too much and the color drains — from your face, from your eyes — and drips to the dirt. the grass bends to collect the drops. you smile and your teeth are stained scarlet.

How much for this candle jar? Oh, forty percent off? That’s great!

Yeah, we’re trying to get rid of our Halloween inventory now.

I really should get this. My kids will love it. I’m a science teacher, you see, and my last name is Bones, so I try to decorate my classroom with them…

Found Gallery, 11:00AM, 11/4/2023

the world we live in is made up of multitudes. in another universe, i have mr. bones as a science teacher. on the first day of class he gets up and shows us a plastic skeleton. i graduate high school, graduate college, and invite him to my wedding. thanks for teaching me about the cranium, i say. he points to his head, an inside joke — among other things. we laugh and drink brandy and attend each of our children’s sports games. we go to bed and rise and realize that we don’t exist. ’tis but the figment of imagination! i imagine an eighteenth-century playwright scoping out the details of my life. he probes and probes until he feels nothing but flesh and eight spindly legs and a web of memories encased in silk.


I want to paint my nails midnight blue

But I can’t understand why an Ab pedal is not included in the diminished triad

Someone can’t make opening night on January 25th

And the workshop attendance numbers need to be compiled

I want to paint my nails midnight blue

But I can’t seem to write my mother’s emotions fast enough

I can’t find the right rhythm in my song

I can’t stop long enough to talk

I want to paint my nails midnight blue

But I can’t stop watching gilmore girls

And then falling asleep

Waking up with the light on at 4:00am

Sleeping an hour and then starting again

Capturing Campus: November

Parking Lot

I miss parking lot you
the you that dashed on concrete
raced in grocery carts
the you that laughed
until you cried
the you that always knew what to say
to ease the angst

I miss the feeling
of beautiful hurt
like pushing on a bruise
or twisting a tooth
with the tingle and ache
that made me fall for you
without stopping

I miss parking lot you
that I’ll never meet
for the first time
or the last