I am a Maker

I like it when these things take my being

Twist it into tangles of hope and fear 

Drop the knot make it hold tight while falling


I like commanding over risks

Jumping out of a plane landing on my feet 

Playing publicly after plotting carefully 


I seek control over the unknown

Find it while diving deep 

Feeling more power with every sinking failure


The internet serves as a record of my friends 

Dwindling with each year 

When you realize you’re too warm 

And too lazy to take off your jacket

It’s the feeling of someone walking too close

There are the conversations you overhear 

Not unwelcome, but uncomfortable 

You wonder if you should slow your pace 

but no matter what you’re both in stride


Evolving Emotions: Fear-Poetry

Empty Coat Pockets


An old grandfather clock

The pendulum sways

The hands tick and click

Stealing the days away


Too few minutes

In a day


Too few days

In a week


Too few weeks

In a month


Too few months

In a year


Too few years

In a decade


Too few decades

In a century


So little time

To do all and everything

Staring at the clock

But you can’t capture the hands

In that coat pocket


Too long

Too short

Too fast

Too slow


How long has it been?

Where did the times go?

Has it really been that long?

I remember it like it was yesterday.

The timing feels so wrong.


Graying and sagging by the second

Death’s deadline closes in



At your bedside

Realizing the minutes and days

Have slipped away


All the memories you never made

All of the times you didn’t stay

All of the words you never prayed


And you couldn’t take the clock’s hands

In your coat pockets

Hold them close and dear


So instead

In your bed

You lay in fear

As the grandfather clock’s chime

Rings near

To claim your final breath.


Evolving Emotions: Joy-Poetry

Joy is a summer night.

Mosquitoes buzzing in the air and

The laughter of long-time friends

After your marshmallow erupts ablaze from

A fire that conveys ash, decorating the air like confetti


Joy is a sunrise.

In your grandmother’s home

Sitting on the hardwood

As a cat lay on the windowsill

Watching the colors blend in a symphony


Joy is a first love.

Butterflies swish inside

At the sight of that face

That makes your knees buckle

And a smile sparking fireworks to nip at your fingertips


Joy is in everything

If one squints hard enough

At dusty photographs

At events unfolding with torn edges

And at hands to hold, things to see, and moments yet to be