Hey Guys,
This week I wanted to talk about a bit of what I do on campus to pass my free time. I usually watch a lot of tv shows and cartoons while I crochet and make my artwork for school. My favorite movie of all time is the Labyrinth starring David Bowie. these little creatures I have drawn are from that film. I think they’re super creepy and fun. I have a lot of fun drawing them. I usually don’t use a variety of bright colors but I really wanted to make them have dimension and look cool. I think that this decision really makes them pop. I usually spend a lot of time also hanging out with my friends and socializing here on campus. I am super excited for my upcoming show this week at the Stamps art Gallery. I have a sculpture going to the show, I hope you all check it out!
See you next week,
Tag: Umich
A Day In Our Lives #15
Hey guys,
I found my apple pencil! This week I am including another art piece that took longer to work on. Two of my posts so far have featured dinosaurs because I am extremely interested in them! I created this art piece first by drawing out the perspective lines on paper, and then I took a photo of the drawing on my phone. I sent the image to my iPad and colored it in a monochrome grey palette. I really wanted to focus on perspective and lighting in this drawing. I like how the energy of this drawing turned out.
A little update about campus life, I went to the snowball fight on the Diag with my friends this week! I encourage you all to attend cute events like this because it was a really cool and really made me feel like I was a part of the UofM community.
See you next week!
A Day In Our Lives #11
Hey guys!
I’m writing this post new years day! I don’t know about you guys, but I had a crazy year! It was a lot of fun and I did a lot of cool stuff. I’m looking forward to this year and having a great winter semester. I can’t believe it is already 2023! I hope that everyone this year has a great time and we achieve all of our resolutions. Personally, I want to read more books this year. This week I chose to draw cats because cats are my favorite animal. The numbers are Maize and Blue for our school! I liked drawing this because I would really like to get a cat this year. It will have to be after I move out for the summer because there are no pets allowed at the dorms!
See you next week!
A Day In Our Lives #9
Hey guys!
I hope all is going well for everyone. I wanted to create a drawing this week that reflected how I feel instead of the regular cute things! It makes me so nervous when I see the “your grade has been posted.” This has been a super fun semester and I have been lucky to make a lot of friends in my classes. I am excited for next semester, I am going to be taking classes on pottery and fiber construction so I am super excited about that! My main medium for art right now actually isn’t illustration, but fiber! I like creating things out of yarn including clothing, looming, etc. Previous to my transfer to UofM I studied illustration at a different college. I submitted my artwork to a student exhibition and I’m eagerly waiting on the results!
I hope you all are having a good break!!
A Day In Our Lives #8
Hey guys!
As a STAMPS student, I feel really fortunate that this semester I don’t have any finals and I was able to head home a week early! I know a lot of people who are currently struggling through finals and you guys got this! This week is a little bit of a self-portrait because I am wearing my favorite Christmas sweater in this drawing. It is a Tom Nook sweater (animal crossing) that my partner got for me from Game Stop. I am really excited about my classes next semester, which will include ceramics and fabric construction. I am really looking forward to spending more time with my family over break. The program I used for this image, as well as all of my other images is Procreate.
See you next week,
A Day In Our Lives #7
Hey guys,
Having grown up here in Michigan I always look forward to the many seasons that we are lucky enough to get to experience. My least favorite is winter. This winter has been especially not as fun because there isn’t even any snow! There have been a few times it has snowed but nothing has stuck to the ground. I used to spend Thanksgiving up north with my great-grandma in Traverse City. On Thanksgiving morning there was always tons of snow! I made this piece this week because I feel like everyone is feeling this type of gray right now. Freezing cold air and no snow is making winter very grey!
See you next week!