A Day In Our Lives #8

Hey guys!


As a STAMPS student, I feel really fortunate that this semester I don’t have any finals and I was able to head home a week early! I know a lot of people who are currently struggling through finals and you guys got this! This week is a little bit of a self-portrait because I am wearing my favorite Christmas sweater in this drawing. It is a Tom Nook sweater (animal crossing) that my partner got for me from Game Stop. I am really excited about my classes next semester, which will include ceramics and fabric construction.  I am really looking forward to spending more time with my family over break. The program I used for this image, as well as all of my other images is Procreate.

See you next week,


Marissa Woods is a fourth-year student at Penny W Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Second-year writing for Arts, Ink, Marissa is focusing on documenting her fiber arts journey, through Fiber Fridays. Marissa is pursuing a minor in Geology and would like to pursue grad school to eventually become an art professor.

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