The Kingdom of Tokavsk, Session 3: The Ceremony of a Hundred Blades

The Ceremony of a Hundred Blades, the competition through which an heir is selected, is a ritual as old as Tokavsk itself.  Tradition states that the Ceremony arose as a way to ensure that the future of the land was placed in the hands of the most capable ruler, as the Zheren believe being born of a great leader does not automatically make one a great leader themselves; rather, they must prove they are worthy to be the heir and guide Tokavsk toward her destiny.


An excerpt from the Decree of the Ceremony of a Hundred Blades reads as follows:


By the Decree of His Royal Highness Berin of House Saskat, the Selection of an Heir shall not be Based on one’s Father but by his Merit, Charm, Intellect, and Strength, by the Character of his Blood, and by his Ability to Retain his Innermost Self in the Face of the Impossible.  He shall be the Utmost Leader, not conniving or weak but affirming and always planning for the Future.  He shall be a Warrior in peace of violence, a Negotiator in periods of peace, but he shall not favor one extreme or the other lest the Balance of the Kingdom be upended.  He shall be Stalwart in Times of Strife but honest and intentional, though he need not have all his intentions be known.  He shall rely upon himself to make the best decisions, but he shall not be opposed to advice lest he become obstinate.  He shall be mindful of the human propensity to err, able to make timely decisions yet not rush into decisions; deliberate but not such as to become absorbed within his own mind; insightful and introspective yet not overly withdrawn, though he knows when to speak up and when to be silent….  [The text goes into greater detail about the traits necessary for the King of Tokavsk, but for the purposes of this excerpt we are omitting the less important details.]


To determine the perfect Heir, all able Members of the Noble Houses ages 18 to 36 upon the Date Marked upon the Decree shall be Summoned to Wolf Court to Participate on the Ceremony of a Hundred Blades.  Upon a Pilgrimage that is to begin as soon as the Candidates are able to set out, the Preparations are to begin….  [The description of the preparations for the Ceremony are vague and convoluted, and we feel that they are not relevant here.  Furthermore, the mechanics of the Ceremony are not to be known beyond the Architects of the Ceremony and much of the directions are forbidden].


The First Test is the Test of Merit, in which the Moral Character of the Candidates is put to the Blade.  This is to expose the irredeemably immoral; the would-be Tyrants; and the weak-willed, all of whom could lead to the end of Tokavsk.  The Test shall present a moral quandary that can only be answered by the Pure of Heart; or rather, by those not so morally corrupt as to be lost.  Those who fail to answer the riddle shall be Eliminated and shall not participate in the Evening Feast.


The Second Test is the Test of Charm, in which the Outward Persona of the Candidates is put to the Blade.  Nervousness, fearfulness, weakness of character, and indecisiveness shall be exposed, and as such the Integrity of Tokavsk will be Preserved.  The Test shall consist of Displays of Charm in a social situation that can only be passed by those with a Commanding Persona.  Those who fail to assert themselves shall be Eliminated and shall not participate in the Evening Feast.


The Third Test is a Test of Intellect, in which the Problem-Solving Abilities of the Candidates are put to the Blade.  The Literacy, Strategy, Wit, and Conviction of the Candidates will be Analyzed, and those who are Weak-Minded shall be exposed, preserving the Integrity of Tokavsk such that she cannot be taken advantage of.  Those who fail the Exam shall be Eliminated and shall not participate in the Evening Feast.


The Fourth Test is a Test of Strength, in which the physical Integrity of the Candidates is put to the Blade.  The Candidates of Poor Health, Slowness, and Weakness shall be exposed, preserving the Future of the Houses and of Tokavsk.  It is from this Test that the Heir shall be Designated and the Future of Tokavsk secured.  Those who fail the Exam shall be Eliminated and shall not participate in the Evening Feast.


This Decree was issued by His Royal Highness Berin Saskat on the 11th of April on the One Thousand Tenth Year in the Razan Age.


Scholars’ Note:  It has long been suspected by those in the upper circles that the Fourth Test results in the deaths of some of its participants, but this has yet to be confirmed by official sources.  Many claim that the Candidates who do not return are exiled or executed, while others say they have heard from their noble charges tales of Candidates starving or freezing to death if they were not slain.  However, many of these claims are unverified or are written up as the ravings of exhausted nobles furious they failed the Ceremony.

LOG-014: The Kaleidoscopic Machine

An advertisement for the “Second Life Experience” Immersive Entertainment Package, 2084.

[Transcription: BOOK YOUR EXPERIENCE TODAY / Tired of the everyday tedium? Ever wonder about what else the world has to offer? Wish for a vacation from your life? Now you can! / UNDERGO A TRANSFORMATIVE JOURNEY WITH THE / SECOND LIFE EXPERIENCE / spend a day in someone else’s shoes — literally! / Kaleidoscope Technologies, LLC]

With the commercialisation of mind-transfer technology came a thrilling new prospect for augmented reality enthusiasts. Pioneered by Kaleidoscope Technologies, mindswap entertainment clinics temporarily transferred the consciousness of customers into new bodies in a radically new “entertainment experience,” which allowed them to experience life as a completely different person.

Within a decade, however, rumors of unsavoury practices started cropping up. Conspiracy talks about where exactly Kaleidoscope Tech sourced the empty bodies and their equipment ran in endless circles or died unceremoniously. The company became notorious in the public eye for both their ultimate fantasy fulfillment services and their secrecy, and abruptly shut down twenty-three years after the “Second Life Experience” debut.


The internet serves as a record of my friends 

Dwindling with each year 

When you realize you’re too warm 

And too lazy to take off your jacket

It’s the feeling of someone walking too close

There are the conversations you overhear 

Not unwelcome, but uncomfortable 

You wonder if you should slow your pace 

but no matter what you’re both in stride


The Kingdom of Tokavsk, Session 2: From the Encyclopedia of the Lands and Peoples of Helya, Part II

When all was said and done, the provinces to the west of Stav and Kuznetsk became the fledgling nation of Tokavsk.  The sparse population was largely oblivious that their nationality had just changed, as most at the time were peasants who only cared of obtaining their next meal; indeed, much of Tokavsk’s rural population today still lives in this manner.  Yet they had a shared ethnic identity that in principle bound them together.  In reality, 75% of the population was Zheren.  The other 25%, concentrated in the eastern regions of the new country, were a mixture of Stavs, Uzhreks, and Kurstukanians.  They had no say in the war, and many were adamantly opposed to it.  Many were compelled to leave, causing an inundation of refugees in the truncated western edge of Kurstukania.  Those who stayed did so either because they had lands in the case of the few Kurstukanian nobles or because they did not have the means to emigrate.  Some chose to embrace their newfound independence or to exploit it, and as such there was a second diaspora of these peoples toward Tokavsk’s largest city, Orod.  Still more settled along the southern hills.  Tokavsk, a lowland nation, was not easy to defend except by sea.  Her new king saw this as an immediate problem, but there was little he could do without inciting another war.  Besides, there were laws to be established, a government to be defined, and a national identity to be created.  A military was to be assembled, but fortifying her borders would have to wait.  At first, the economy struggled; there were few among the burgeoning elite who knew how to run finances, and those who did were familiar only with the Kurstukanian system.  As such, they used Kurstukania as a model.  Diplomatic ties were established with nations to the west and south, and old trade routes with Kurstukania were maintained.

It should be noted here that, seven hundred years after her inception, the borders of Tokavsk remain largely unchanged.  This is due to several factors:  one, the Tokavskan army has never had the military prowess to successfully conquer its neighbors for much of its history; two, vigilant mapmaking and the preservation of the original treaty with Kurstukania meant its borders could be restored with full confidence both times it was reconquered; and three, it has done well to not create animosity with other nations.  This does not mean Tokavsk is a peace-loving or genial state; rather, it means that war is frequently not in its best interest.  With little wealth to begin with, it is not viable for Tokavsk to wage extensive campaigns.  Furthermore, there is often internal turmoil preventing the noble houses of Tokavsk from uniting under one cause.  The structure of the Tokavskan government practically encourages lords to be at odds with one another.  Its monarchy is not strictly hereditary, meaning the power does not reside within a single family, but it is not elective like in the southern archipelago of Tarsinia.  When a king names his successor, he is not allowed to make the choice himself.  According to Zheren custom, this produces bias, and it means the best candidate is being denied the opportunity to rule.  The founders devised a system they believed would promote stability in Tokavsk, but to many modern scholars the system promotes anything but.

LOG-013: smoke signals



ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-EC3 * a distress signal. (come/c’mon) check over here.

FE-EC3 yes. (tune/turn) up the V-H-F.

FE-EC3 yes sir. 

FE-EC3 okay. detecting transmission now–


FE-MC1-VHF mayday mayday mayday– this is Mariner Crew-1– sustained critical systems damage due to debris collision– evacuation requested, no propulsive power. mayday mayday mayday– this is Mariner Crew-1– sustained critical systems damage—

FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 this is Eureka Crew-3 [ident code redacted] responding to distress call. do you read?

FE-MC1-VHF Mariner Crew-1 to Eureka Crew-3 reads loud and clear.

FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 this is Eureka Crew-3– who is speaking? 

FE-MC1-VHF this is Flight Engineer @FE-MC1 of Mariner Crew-1.

FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. Mariner Crew-1 what is your current location and crew status?

FE-MC1-VHF location sector gamma-four. original flight path on VICTOR route– about three light-seconds out from waypoint two– deviation of 321-056-010. we had an hull breach– space debris collision– we lost propulsive power and life support systems sustained critical damage. @CDR-MC1 and @MS-MC1 are incapacitated– they’re in cryo now. One fatality– we lost @PLS-MC1 to injuries suffered during initial collision.

FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. will relay information to commander @CDR-EC3.


FE-EC3 sir– yes. yup. 

FE-EC3 mhm. okay. 


FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 Eureka Crew-3– commander @CDR-EC3 is currently contacting Mission Control for clearance– hold tight.

FE-MC1-VHF roger.


ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3– this is Mariner Crew-1. do you have an estimated response time?

FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 do you copy?

FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 copies. apologies for the delay. response approval still in progress.

FE-MC1-VHF copy that.


ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 Mariner Crew-1. I uh– I have a personal request.

FE-EC3-VHF go ahead.

FE-MC1-VHF can Eureka Crew-3 stay on the line?

FE-EC3-VHF negatory– comms must remain clear.

FE-MC1-VHF Mariner Crew-1 acknowledges.


ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-EC3-VHF Eureka Crew-3 will try our best in the meantime.

FE-MC1-VHF acknowledged– thank you very much.

FE-MC1-VHF I’m routing (the signal) through the handheld * * can * carry *.


? * * [Static and rustling noises obscure the rest of the message from FE-MC1.]


FE-MC1-VHF * Mariner Crew-1, radio check?

FE-EC3-VHF good and readable.

FE-MC1-VHF hmm. [further rustling noises, likely FE-MC1 tweaking the handheld radio.]

FE-MC1-VHF radio check?

FE-EC3-VHF loud and clear.

FE-MC1-VHF alright.

FE-EC3 understood.


FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 if Eureka Crew-3 deviates from current route– E-T-A will be approximately one-three hours.

FE-MC1-VHF confirm E-T-A one-three hours?

FE-MC1-VHF affirmative.

FE-MC1-VHF copy. okay.

FE-MC1-VHF I’m going to go check on the hydroponics systems. 

FE-EC3-VHF acknowledged. Eureka Crew-3 will keep you updated.

FE-MC1-VHF thanks.


FE-EC3 one-three hours? Okay.


FE-MC1-VHF ah– yeah– hydroponics lost power too.


FE-EC3 I’ll pass it on.


FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 we are now diverting to your location. E-T-A one-three-point-four hours.

FE-MC1-VHF copy– one-three-point-four hours. thank you very much.

FE-MC1-VHF Eureka Crew-3 who am I speaking to?

FE-EC3-VHF this is @FE-EC3. 

FE-MC1-VHF is this your first emergency response?

FE-EC3-VHF affirmative… first long-duration flight too– actually.

FE-MC1-VHF (well/wow) isn’t that exciting– congrats.

FE-EC3-VHF thank you.

FE-MC1-VHF ever been to the (Hub) near Station Foxtrot? the one in Sector Gamma-One– I mean.

FE-EC3-VHF I have not.

FE-MC1-VHF it’s got (these/those) big crystal gardens. absolutely lovely.

FE-EC3-VHF I’m sure they are quite a sight.

FE-MC1-VHF mhmm. they’re all (natural from) a formation harvested from– harvested from one of the comets way out * *.

FE-MC1-VHF sorry (man/ma’am)– I’m rambling. it’s been so quiet here. honestly…

FE-EC3-VHF it’s okay.


ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-EC3-VHF @FE-MC1? you– uhh– like animals?

FE-MC1-VHF yeah. no pets– unfortunately– you know the life. [brief laughter.]

FE-EC3-VHF I get it. I like dogs– especially the big fluffy ones. never pet one before though.

FE-MC1-VHF never? wow. you’re missing out. 

FE-MC1-VHF tell you what– tell you what– if we get to meet up off-duty I’m gonna buy you tickets to a– I dunno. a petting zoo or something. a space petting zoo.

FE-EC3-VHF ha. 

FE-MC1-VHF was that too forward of me?

FE-EC3-VHF no– no. you’re fine.


ALL CHAN. [Area of non-pertinent or no conversation.]


FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1. Eureka Crew-3. do you read?

FE-EC3-VHF Mariner Crew-1 do you read?

FE-MC1-VHF Crew-1 reads. [spoken softly]

FE-MC1-VHF [sound of low intensity electronic beeping.]


FE-EC3-VHF Eureka three to Mariner one– our E-T-A is one-one hours. what is your status?

FE-MC1-VHF checked the auxiliary hold again– airlock two… completely compromised. backup generator blown… but main * * * [signal noise masks FE-MC1]

FE-EC3-VHF say again?

FE-MC1-VHF backup generator blown. main power seems to be holding steady now.

FE-EC3-VHF life support systems status?

FE-MC1-VHF couldn’t fix it. still (critical).

FE-EC3-VHF oxygen levels?

FE-MC1-VHF uhh– *. probably enough. 

FE-EC3-VHF professional estimate. please.

FE-MC1-VHF mmm. for two people in cryo– (for/four) hours. maybe. * losing cabin pressure faster than I thought though.

FE-EC3-VHF I’m sorry. 

FE-MC1-VHF ’s not your fault.

FE-EC3-VHF we should have—

FE-MC1-VHF like I said– it’s not your fault. I’m amazed * * * the call at all seeing as we’re in the middle of # nowhere. I would ask for forgiveness– * not that sorry for being selfish. 

FE-MC1-VHF [sound similar to low oxygen warning activating.]

FE-EC3-VHF so you knew.

FE-MC1-VHF I had hoped. well. that at least my crewmates can make it out.





VO2 avg awake  = 12.0 mL/kg/min = 720 mL/kg/hr

VO2 min asleep = 3.0 mL/kg/min = 180 mL/kg/hr


2 people (180 mL/kg/hr * 4 hr) = 1440 mL/kg

1440 mL/kg / 720 mL/kg/hr = 2 hr (1 person)

The Kingdom of Tokavsk, Session 1: From The Encyclopedia of the Lands and Peoples of Helya, Part I

The kingdom of Tokavsk is a midsized state located along the northern edge of the continent Helya.  Situated between Strazhov to the west and Kurstukania to the east, Tokavsk is largely regarded as a buffer between the wild empires of the northeast and the stiff, elitist peoples of the northwest.  Northern Helya’s ethnic groups are similar to one another, but the local belief that the west represents order and the east represents chaos has led to clear delineations among the population based on geographical location.  As Tokavsk is roughly centered along the northern coast, it is regarded by its neighbors as the equilibrium of order and chaos.

Tokavsk’s origins have been reduced to legend, but a few suppositions can be made based on historical documents.  First, Tokavsk was first mentioned in a census by the long-since fallen Bhrezhen Empire in 106 RA (Razan Age).  It was described as “A region surrounding the trading outpost of Orod that the locals referred to as Tokavsk, or ‘Place of the Firs’” (The Sixth Census of the Divine Domain of Bhrezhen).  Little else is said detailing the milieu of early Tokavsk.  In 504 RA, 84 years after the Bhrezhen Empire’s collapse, a veken (wandering monk) wrote of “A strange principality situated betwixt the Fractured Lands [of Northeast Helya, a swath of warring factions which were slowly being absorbed into Kurstukania] and the realms of Strazhov and Norvatsk.  Its people ascribe runes on their cloaks and bodies, on the surfaces of their huts made from skins, and on the ground.  They understood the trees and how they breathed, something they claimed I as a foreigner would never understand.”  Indeed, there is evidence of early Tokavskans having an affinity for rune magic; several sources document instances of Tokavskans healing each other and sick animals with one rune and summoning winds and driving snows with another.  Many of these are thought to be tales conjured to make Tokavskans appear backwards and savage, and almost no one doubts that the magics described within are untrue or at least greatly exaggerated.  The point of divergence—when Tokavskans became known as a distinct group within the Roskavan cultures—is unknown, but it seems to have occurred between the first and second surviving records describing Tokavsk.  Certainly, the Tokavskan culture was defined long before it grew into a state.  Subsequent records reveal interactions between members of the court of Strazhov and a man by the name of Berin Saskat, who is accredited with the founding of the Kingdom of Tokavsk.  It was clear that at that point the Tokavskans, as they were called by foreigners (the Tokavskans then and still do refer to themselves as the Zheren, and henceforth that term shall be used out of respect for the Zheren people and to distinguish between the ethnicity and the state), were already a well-established minority within the Kurstukanian empire.  They were poor trappers and hunters, regarded as primitive by the ethnic majority in Kurstukania, and had very little rights.  They could not own land, vote, or marry an ethnic Kurstukanian.  Conversely, the powers that be largely left the Zheren alone in what would become a grave blunder.  This gave rise to a solidification in ethnic identity, which in turn inspired some radicals into revolution.  The initial rebellion had little popular support, and indeed it went largely unnoticed even by the Kurstukanian military stationed out west.  But the overthrow of a local nobleman sparked outrage in western Kurstukania, setting in motion a chain of violent events that would lead to the Tokavskan War of Independence in 1001 RA.