Ping Chong is a contemporary theater director, choreographer, and visual artist who has amassed many awards and fellowships across his career. Many of his pieces focus on culture and cultural identity. In total, he has created over 90 different productions, with one of his most recent ones, Beyond Sacred: Voices of Muslim Identity, currently touring. Join Stamps for a special peek into Chong’s artistic process, perspective, and inspirations, and gain new insight into Beyond Sacred, which will be making it’s stop in Ann Arbor this weekend.
Ping Chong’s UMS performance Beyond Sacred, will be held in the Power Center on Saturday, February 18th at 8PM. This event will be included on the most recent passport to the arts, but the voucher must be redeemed in advance.
This talk will be held on Thursday, February 16th, at the Michigan Theater at 5:10 PM. Like all of the lectures in the Stamps Speaker Series, this one will be free and open to the public. Arrive there 10-15 minutes early for prime seating. Immediately following the talk there will be a Q&A section for those interested.