Preview: Techno at Brewing Hope’s Barnstorm

When: Saturday, October 3rd, 10pm-2am
(2 blocks west of Main St., Ann Arbor.)
Michigan Electronic Dance Music Association (MEDMA) will be providing techno music to dance to.

$5 donations will benefit Music for Chiapas, a project that sends musical instruments to a co-operative in Southern Chiapas, Mexico (from where Brewing Hope gets its coffee).
Iced coffee (Brewing Hope blend) will be provided (as well as water).
Come out and support both your local coffee and local techno music.
By the way, did you know that the birthplace of techno is nearabouts here — right here in Southeastern Michigan? In Detroit, more specifically.
Here is a poem which explains why techno was born in Detroit.
Why techno was born in Detroit
Sayan Bhattacharyya
could have been invented
only in
Techno saw the long-playing record not as something to be thrown away
but as a treasure to be sampled.
Techno saw discarded shells of former factories
not as structures to be torn down
but as spaces in which to make music.
Derrick May, Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson
and all the rest of the great disc jockeys
who came out of Detroit
wanted to achieve a transference of the spirit.
A transference of the spirit
from the machine of the turntable
to the flesh of
the dancing human body.
A transference of the spirit.
This dream of transference
could have been dreamed nowhere but
in Detroit.
Because Detroit was home
both to the machine and to the spirit.
It was in Detroit
that the fire-belching machines of the great industrial plants
like River Rouge
or the old Packard factory
alongside the equally fiery passions
of Rhythm and Blues.
visions of automobile bodies of steel
in the clanging workshops of auto factories by day
used to give way
to the sound
of soul music
by night.
Body and soul.
Machine and spirit.
Detroit was the place where opposites clashed
and were overcome.
This is why techno was born in Detroit.
which was born in Detroit,
teaches us:
The long-playing vinyl record
is not something to be thrown away.
It is a treasure the DJ can play to make sound.
Shells of former factories
are not structures to be torn down.
They are spaces in which you can make music.
They are spaces in which you can make music.