This isn’t their actual coloring I wanted to be abstract.
Author: Micey
Yim Bollidae
So this is Yim Bollidae. Some may recognize this person as Yarrow Archimille from a year or so ago. They’re Yim now, as well as a Fae-Dragon.
I wanted Yim to have this elflike Fred Astaire-esque quality to them. Very ties-and-tails. I didn’t want them to look too flashy, because for most of their story they’re in travel clothes. I tweaked their collar to show their closed-in personality, and dabbled with their horn decorations. I wanted time to have glass horns with spiked piercings that could be seen through the glass, but I imagine it would be time-consuming to draw. I’m debating removing them.
For my story, many of the side characters have horns. Some families have particular horn shapes. A group of people has horns based on the beaks of tropical birds, others on comets and glass. Some horns float, and others can move like attached spider legs. It’s fun to come up with all these concepts.
The Queen of Light
Hello, I’m in a Fae-Dragon mood this month. What are the Fae-Dragons, you ask? They’re a group of minor Fae nobility and their retinue who got stuck in Yggdrasil when Ragnarok happened. For mutual survival, they merged societies with the native dragons and became the Fae-Dragons. More power and survivability, in return for never being able to go back to either community.
The Fae-Dragons have a rotating revenue of powerful rulers. This is the Queen of Light, who rules for the summer months each year. I based her outfit on Venician carnival wear, Versailles fashion, and the musical Six and Beyonce. I wanted to give her a sense of power and mystique. I added black to her palette because the sun may be strong and shiny, but it’ll turn into a black hole one day, signaling the astronomical power of destruction.
Simon Stuff
For the supposed main character of my story I never really drew Simon, or Syme as he used to be known as, a lot. Which is a shame because he’s a really fun character to draw.