A Day In Our Lives #8

Hey guys!


As a STAMPS student, I feel really fortunate that this semester I don’t have any finals and I was able to head home a week early! I know a lot of people who are currently struggling through finals and you guys got this! This week is a little bit of a self-portrait because I am wearing my favorite Christmas sweater in this drawing. It is a Tom Nook sweater (animal crossing) that my partner got for me from Game Stop. I am really excited about my classes next semester, which will include ceramics and fabric construction.  I am really looking forward to spending more time with my family over break. The program I used for this image, as well as all of my other images is Procreate.

See you next week,

A Day In Our Lives #7

Hey guys,
Having grown up here in Michigan I always look forward to the many seasons that we are lucky enough to get to experience. My least favorite is winter. This winter has been especially not as fun because there isn’t even any snow! There have been a few times it has snowed but nothing has stuck to the ground. I used to spend Thanksgiving up north with my great-grandma in Traverse City. On Thanksgiving morning there was always tons of snow! I made this piece this week because I feel like everyone is feeling this type of gray right now. Freezing cold air and no snow is making winter very grey!
See you next week!

A Day In Our Lives #6

Hey guys!

I’m writing this post just as I get back from Thanksgiving break. I have a lot of things to be thankful for! This is a drawing of what a typical Thanksgiving layout would look like at my house. It is still missing a few items! I was fortunate enough to be able to see most of my family over this break. I was even able to see my long-distance best friend for a few hours. Thanksgiving is a really important time for us college kids to connect with our families that we may have not seen in a while. I hope everyone had a restful break. We are getting ready for finals!! Only a few more weeks left in the semester. Luckily, Christmas break is right around the corner!

See you next week !

LOG-016: (Two) Eye(s) in the Sky


SPECIES NO. [ 009 ]



[ These streamlined, omnivorous creatures seem to spend most of their time gliding and soaring at high altitudes in the atmosphere of Khepri-1b. Their body structure is rather unusual; they have three pairs of translucent, thin wings; two large, simple compound eyes — one dorsal and one ventral; a dorsal, ventral, and tail fin for flight stabilization and steering; a small beak-like mouth at the anterior. Most of its body is covered in fibrous hair- or feather-like material, which lightens in coloration from top to bottom. They are clumsy when grounded, only able to maneuver by pushing with its second pair of wings and its short, stiff tail. ]

Letters by Lydia: Monami Plus Pen 3000

We’re finally bringing back the pen reviews this week, so get excited!

This week we’re taking a look at the Monami Plus Pen 3000:


Before we get into my opinions, let’s introduce these guys.  The Monami Plus Pen 3000 (I know, a bit of a ridiculous name) is a fine tip pen.  It’s also a felt tip, although I would argue it’s closer to a plastic nib (for felt tips, think Papermate flairs–these are a lot sturdier and skinnier).  Even though they have a fine tip, they have enough give to them to act as a pseudo-brushpen if you want them to.  I use these more often to color in small things or write, though.  You can see some different ways to use these in the picture I included.  One thing to note about the ink, though, is that it can be a bit splattery.  It’s not juicy enough where it will leak or splatter enough to stain things, though, it’s just worth noting because sometimes it can be hard to get clean lines.

The pen body isn’t my favorite–these guys are really tall and thin, and feel kind of cheaply made, which makes sense because they’re known for being super affordable.  They’re also known for coming in a huge color selection, including a lot of pastels, fluorescents, and muted colors.  The set of twelve I have is mainly just classic bright colors, but I’m obsessed with the case it comes in–it’s super satisfying to unclasp it for some reason, and it’s super convenient to keep in my bag.

As for purchasing information, I got this set for around $6 on stationery pal (great website for affordable stationery stuff).  If you want some for yourself, the site is currently having a sale that puts this set at $2.60, which is insane, so definitely check that out!

Overall, this set isn’t anything that stands out a lot to me, but they’re still nice pens, and the super cheap price and color range sets them apart enough that I’m definitely glad I added them to my collection.  I would highly recommend these to any beginners or people who don’t want to spend a ton of money on pens, as well.

As always, thanks for reading and have a lovely week!


A Day In Our Lives #4

Hey guys!
The weather here in Ann Arbor is insane. I have lived in Michigan my entire life and every year I forget how fast the weather can change. One day it’s scorching hot and the next it is snowing! This week I wanted to talk about the weather we are all currently enduring. If anyone is wondering what I draw these images on I use my iPad with procreate. (Unfortunately a paid program but if anyone wants a  recommendation for some free programs I have some!) I went to a football game for the first time in college and of course, it snowed! I thought I could handle it with four layers, but I get cold so fast.  I was freezing. What I wouldn’t give to move somewhere warm. I hope everyone is getting excited about the upcoming Thanksgiving break. I plan to post over Christmas and Thanksgiving breaks. See you next week!

– Marissa