This is yet another Xhaska Nayaraq, or Taya Quispe post.
Tag: Dungeons and Dragons

Yunjun Kila
I’m back guys! And ready to smash more sketchbooks!
I got an iPad over the summer and have been drawing on it. This is the concept for another DnD character, Yunjun Kila. And in the event any of my DnD party members see this, spoilers in the readmore.

Study Hal: Week 24 – Costume Party
Hal is gearing up for Halloween this weekend! In his excitement (and to procrastinate on school projects…) Hal made costumes for him and his dog Sparky! They’re based on his D&D campaign, where he plays a wizard named Ignatius Lightshield with a dragon companion called Smokey.
Despite their fun outfits, Hal and Sparky are staying home this year. It’s unsatisfying to get all dressed up with nowhere to go, but it’s better to keep everyone safe! They’re watching scary movies instead, but, I think Hal likes the scares more than Sparky does… What about you? Are you a horror movie fanatic like Hal? Or would you rather be watching cartoons like Sparky?
In case you’ve missed it, Hal is a University of Michigan student taking remote classes this semester. He’s back on Tuesdays to share his experiences. Check out the Study Hal tag for more, or check back next week (preferably after you’ve voted)!

Study Hal: Week 11 – Initiative Roll
Aside from a few essential appointments, Hal’s been staying home for months. This has made him a bit rusty at keeping track of the time. Today, for instance, he almost missed his favorite part of the week: socially-distant Dungeons & Dragons!
Every week, Hal calls his friends and plays D&D over the internet. He brings the music, but they all have costume pieces to match their characters. Hal’s character is a level six wizard named Ignatius Lightsheild. Hal would like to know, what’s your favorite character class to play?
The music this week is “The Red Fox Tavern” by Curran Son. If you’d like to see more of Hal’s exploits, search for the Study Hal tag!