The Rise of the Band Geeks, Episode 19: Faded Halftime

Metal drips

Onto the planes of the floor that lists

And slips into a field across which grit

Spills in rubber bits over spits of grass

Within the lip of a concave beast.



Pushing forth heat and the beats of notes that scream into an impenetrable mass of

Teeming beings melted into a gelatinous sheen

Their wordless voices are shrieks that form a backdrop against the reel of notes.


What is it except burning muscles and the battery’s echoic surge

What is it except the metronome of our feet and the sheet music

Imprinted upon our brains

Like oily tattoos that ooze into the grooves of the mind

What is it except our numb fingers that fuse to the metal in the bitter wind

And snow

Drifting in eddies

As the final strands of warmth fade into mist.

Evolving Emotions: Blizzard

My legs are like columns of sheeted glass

They burn with an anger

I have neglected them

Left them to be battered

By a blizzard, hardly forgiving


My hands chip like old plaster

Revealing the life underneath

The pain of red

Numbed in the cold


My hair discourages logic

Protests order

And wreaks havoc

In front of my eyes

Shielding my face

Enough to obscure

But not enough to warm


A cry inside

Screaming for



To feel again

To know that all will calm


The ice sets in

Hardening the bones

Congealing their marrow

Hindering the joints

Straining the throat


The blizzard takes hold

Despite my hope

For a light flurry

Following the storm


Evolving Emotions: A Churning Prison

Naked in a world foreign to my body

Tears well up

A refusal

A protest

Amidst the overwhelming reality before me


I tremble

Unable to breathe

Afraid to utter a sound

Suppressing all movement


For fear that the world will hear me

See me

Acknowledge me

And take me with it


In its churning jowls

Pressured production

Cyclical aging

And infinite pain


My heart pleads and bargains

Against what quickly approaches


I am growing older

By the passing hour




Forced into the assembly line

With a ball and chain at my feet


I am scared

Of what mechanical existence lay ahead.


Without close

I want you to say something

Say something

Say something 

That’s going to make it all better

I want you to write again

Text me again and tell me


Something that’s going to make it all better

I want you to say something

Say something that’s going to fix something that

I don’t know how to 

I tell you I want to talk

You tell me I’m not talking 

You’re talking and I don’t know what to say

Evolving Emotions: You

Everything reminds me of you.


The faces whirl by in a sea of familiarity

I think I recognize your smile,

your walk,

your presence

I don’t.


A laugh echoes down the strange hallway

It settles into my ears swiftly and soundly

But it’s not you.


Tears flood my eyes in your absence.

The comfort that held me is no longer.

Is home really home anymore?

Is life what it was before?


But I miss you.


I miss you and your

Charming intricacies

Audacious interests

Burning desires

The words you gifted others

The humility woven in your soul


Nobody can compare

And content will come

But for now

Everything reminds me of you.


This is the first poem I wrote when I arrived at this university. Walking by new people was like getting shot. There were a lot of tears. Everything was so new and so familiar all at once. It did get better in time, though.