REVIEW: Deftones at the Royal Oak Music Theatre

Wednesday night was a bitchin’, badass show full of booze and the occasional boobies.

The show began with openers Scars on Broadway, an Armenian-American group led by System of a Down guitarist Daron Malakian. Despite the fast-paced songs and the admirable political message of the lyrics, due to the repetition of the music I found myself wondering: “have they been playing the same song this whole time?” while constantly checking the time in anticipation of the Deftones.

The wait was indeed well worth it.

Deftones opened up with Diamond Eyes and Rocket Skates, two high-energy songs off of their last album, and they kept up the same energy for the entirety of the show. They played all the mandatory fan favorites as well as their two new singles, Tempest and Leathers, to a wild set of fans full of boob-flashers and crowd surfers, and even Chino crowd surfed at one point in the show, with security desperately grabbing him to insure that he didn’t get lost in the sea of over-zealous hands. That’s exactly what I like to see from a front-man. Rock with us, not to us.

Yours truly was up in the front, clutching the rail for dear life, and getting blasted by the wall of speakers in front of his face. Double fisting a couple long-islands helped with all that, though.

If you’re not familiar with the Deftones, I strongly encourage you to go get started with their White Pony album. It’s my personal favorite and it’s one of their most highly acclaimed albums. Also, keep an eye out for Koi No Yokan, with a scheduled release of November 13th, and keep an eye out for the Deftones to be coming around again soon in support of the album. My best guess is that we’ll see them around here sometime in the spring after their European tour. Fingers crossed, mother fuckers.

Til next time,


Hotel Transylvania review

Well, as was said in the preview, this Pixar comedy is about a Vampire Dad ( Dracula) who has worked his whole life to keep his daughter away from the human world. In the process he has always kept his ghoulish friends and family close by making an ENORMOUS castle only for ghoulish friends.. Called Hotel Transylvania! This is only to be wrecked when a human comes in to the hotel.. and likes his daughter!
No doubt that this is a comedy with a zany monster ambience mixed in with an over-protective father storyline and a daughter who wants to come of her own. This storyline is great, and no doubt Hotel Transylvania does a good job with it! But many movies have this classic plot, so what makes Hotel Transylvania unique? Read on to find out!
2 reasons why you should see Hotel Transylvania:
Socially Correct- This movie happens to do some stereotype busting! Perhaps the funniest scene which portrays this is when, ( spoiler alert!) Count Dracula goes near the plane which Ben the human is on, and he sees inside the plane that Twilight is playing. His response is, “Oh.. This is how we are portrayed?!” I am a bit biased. But as a person who took a class on From Harems to Terrorists, How Hollywood Vilifies a People ( about Arab Americans), it’s important to me that people really understand that the idea that portrayal doesn’t equal to reality. This is especially felt by those who are often portrayed. I really thought that Dracula gave a voice to those in society who are marginalized. When Ben asks him, so is it true that if someone drives a wooden stake down your heart, you will die? Dracula’s response, “Well, won’t everybody?” This reminds me of many times when many people have odd assumptions of “other groups.” But many times, people from these “other groups” will basically point out that those from dominant groups do the same thing or have the same interest. I am not saying that everyone is equal and that there are no differences. But as humans we, have more in similarities than differences. And when Dracula utters that no-brainer line, he reminds me of how many marginalized peoples have myth-busting notions, which dominant groups never seem to realize. As a fellow human who dominates the planet in comparison to vampires, I will say that even I never realized that everybody would die with a wooden stake to their heart- not just vampires! Lol! Meticulous detail – Hotel Transylvania is definitely trying to really let its audience experience a complete monster world. It achieves this by letting all the details of ghoul world be seen and heard. For instance, when count Dracula is in the lobby of the hotel he says ‘Hi’ to everyone. But everyone is a ghost, so he says ‘Hi,’ in a more appropriate way. For instance, he tells one of one of his ghostly friends, you still look pale and good ever! Also, when a customer tells him (or grunts to him ) that he needs a bigger plunger, the camera goes up on the character.. Who happens to be the huge Bigfoot! Dracula’s response to this is, “It’s ok Mr. Bigfoot, everyone has a tummy ache!” By giving answers only specific to the monsters’ backgrounds, the comedy is further enriched.
In sum, everyone that watches this will go home happy!
I wouldn’t say that this Pixar flic is the standout Pixar movie of the year. BUT I do think that this yet another great see and something which adults and children will both like!
Lastly, this is Halloween! Go Enjoy a Halloween movie!
3.25 stars out of 4

Preview: 2nd Annual Allies for Disability Awareness Art Show

Want a break from studying and see some art? Well, this might be your answer! The 2nd Annual Disability Awareness Art Show is upon us and this project showcases the art of many of those in society, who are deemed to not have abilities, let alone talent. If you would like be a part of how a community de-stigmatizes itself, than please check out this amazing event. It may recall the PCAP art project to many among us, because just as prisoners are deemed to be talent less, so are people with disabilities. So buck stigma and go to the art show!

When: Monday, October 22nd, 5pm – 7pm
Where: Duderstadt Center Gallery; 2281 Bonisteel Blvd. (North Campus) While the opening reception occurs on Monday, the full Exhibit will be free and open to the public every day from 12-6 PM on October 23rd – 26th.
For Monday: Free Food & Drinks, Live Performances by The Dicks & Janes, The G-Men, and violinists Anna Piotrowski & Tina Rowan

REVIEW: EQMC: An Experiment in Music…

Last night I went to EQMC’s show at Work Gallery on S. State St. The show was around 3 hours long and relatively well attended by students. This venue is a fantastic use of student space on campus. I definitely recommend going to a show here if you ever get a chance.

Jonah Baseball opened the show with a set of sampled music, sound and beat conglomerations. I enjoyed his mixes and skill of flow between beats and sounds. He also seemed to be having quite a bit of fun himself which is always enjoyable in a DJ. Very fun to watch, listen and dance to.
-Jonah Baseball (Ann Arbor – Michigan Student)

Samn Johnson is a composition major at U-Mich. He combined a couple different styles through out his set using the drums, electric guitar, key board and sampler to create his music. In each of his songs he inserted original compositions. The last piece, which he composed himself, was played solo on the keyboard.
I have great appreciation for composers, especially when they are younger and working in different media. Samn has skill in hearing beat flow and melody.
-Samn Johnson (Ann Arbor – Michigan Student)

The headliner for the night was Blithe Field, a young guy from Ohio who is on his second tour for an album that came out earlier this year. He used a complicated system of sampling, loop pedals, beats, voice clips, taps, tics etc. His compositions are really amazing, well put together, entertaining, great melodies and mixes etc.
I spoke to him after the show and asked him a little about where he was traveling and how long he has been playing. Spencer is a very sweet, soft spoken young man. He has been playing around with music since he was “about five.” Ann Arbor was the second stop on his tour around the Midwest. I wish him all the best and hope he will come back again soon!
Blithe Field (Ohio)

Preview: Hotel Transylvania

Need a break annoying midterms? Well, Hotel Transylvania might be the trick! This movie seems to be the perfect union of a pixar monster mash, and a parent-letting-go story. It’s filled with a wide range of characters, who all have interesting shticks and accents! Hotel Transylvania also fits well into the Halloween/haunted season, so not only would it be a good break but it could enrich your Halloween festivities! Emjoy!

REVIEW: The Perks of Being a Wallflower: My 13 yearold self jumping up and down

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, written by Stephen Chbosky, was published in 1999. I read it for the first time in 2002 while in 7th grade and proceeded to read it at least 14 more times after. This book is well known in many preteen and teenage circles and is likely to pass from one friend to another with few words on the lips other than: “You have to read this book.”

Chbosky wrote a wonderful coming of age story, set somewhere outside Pittsburgh during the early 1990s. It is filled with mixed tapes, novels, clothing styles, life struggles, relationships and one young boy’s struggle with past painful experiences.

The film, which came out October 12, 2012 was adapted and directed by Chbosky. His writing translated very well to the screen and his original vision seemed to remain in this visual representation. Due to this format, Chbosky seemed to be able to take some of the book’s more delicately hinted concepts to a different level. He did a very nice job of portraying high school life in the 90’s with all the common themes of premature senses of adulthood and self-awareness.

The story is narrated in the form of letters by Charlie (played by Logan Lerman). A young boy starting his first day of high school. From the beginning he mentions a time when “things were bad.” His struggles and pains gradually become clear to us over the course of the film (I really don’t want to say too much about this because it was so well introduced in the film I feel I would be taking something away from you!) He becomes friends with a group of seniors, specifically Patrick and Sam (played by Ezra Miller and Emma Watson) who introduce him to music, style, a social life and the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Many typical teenage complications occur, loves gained and lost, bad girlfriend habits, abusive and cheating boyfriends and some other not so common life experiences, mostly in Charlie’s past . . . the “bad times.”

It had been at least 7 years since the last time I read this book but it’s content still sticks to me. I spent the last 15 minuted of this movie with tears running down my cheeks. As did all the other teenage girls sitting in the theater with me! 🙂

Not only is this story beautifully constructed, it is also excellently adapted for the screen. The characters are likable and as difficult as some of the life truths may be they are all important to recognize and acknowledge.

For those of you who have read this book, I believe you will be pleasantly surprised. For those who have not, please go experience this film!

Another great thing about this movie, the soundtrack was excellently constructed. Much of the book is dedicated to talking about music. They did a very nice job of involving this theme in the film.

The Film:

The Book:

The Music: