A Day In Our Lives #9

Hey guys!

I hope all is going well for everyone. I wanted to create  a drawing this week that reflected how I feel instead of the regular cute things! It makes me so nervous when I see the “your grade has been posted.” This has been a super fun semester and I have been lucky to make a lot of friends in my classes. I am excited for next semester, I am going to be taking classes on pottery and fiber construction so I am super excited about that! My main medium for art right now actually isn’t illustration, but fiber! I like creating things out of yarn including clothing, looming, etc. Previous to my transfer to UofM I studied illustration at a different college. I submitted my artwork to a student exhibition and I’m eagerly waiting on the results!

I hope you all are having a good break!!



Marissa Woods is a fourth-year student at Penny W Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. Second-year writing for Arts, Ink, Marissa is focusing on documenting her fiber arts journey, through Fiber Fridays. Marissa is pursuing a minor in Geology and would like to pursue grad school to eventually become an art professor.

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1 Comment on "A Day In Our Lives #9"

Sahaij Gadhri
2 years 2 months ago

This perfectly captures how I’m feeling right now!