Evolving Emotions: Thankful

The comfort in knowing

All is well

And will be well


The security felt

When a sound

Divulges its character


The overwhelming joy that

Echoes through the room

At a ridiculous story


The calm you keep

Close to the chest

Knowing your needs are met


The common conversations

That you simply

Must absorb in your mind


The familiar scent

Of a home

So loved


you get in the car

your glance rips

from familiarity

each mile

unnaturally separating


The love

The struggle

The pain

The growth

The peace


The memories you crafted fade

As the path ahead expands

You know you must



You tremble

But trek onwards

Hoping for greatness

Cautioned towards aversiveness


No easier to swallow

The tears well up

As you are reminded of what you had







Even so,

Being apart

Shows how well off

You were

And still are


They have given you this gift

To separate from the world they made


And form a new one.


The Rise of the Band Geeks, Episode 7: The Army

  1. An undisclosed photo of a soldier from the Army (source unknown).

    From the tumultuous tides that churn and swirl in a slurry we hailed / Prowling growlers and missiles of ice / That slosh in the slush of hushed currents / In frenetic eternity.

  2. Readily we traversed / The pulsating subsurface and tenuous night / The venous channels and crumpled paths / Under silent symphonies and sonorous skies / Until we found you.
  3. A subtle force, we convened / Upon the bristled surface below the fickle water-sky / Across the ground that sops up shrill water / Or rejects it, eschews it into whiteness / Scattered across the tensile blades / erupting from matted black nuggets.
  4. North of the end of the shifting stew we mounted / Our tuneful armor / Our wooden round shells hollowed by erosive war / Our skins stretched so finely clumsy flesh would rend / The precious surface before which we stewed / Our moldable bodies balanced securely between our vessels and our weapons.
  5. Kindred warriors deluded by our stillness / Fused with our minds and our spiral limbs / Their blurred hands and cylinder knives / Rounded blades that sluice and pound / The sparse depths into oblivion / Elevated us with their hastily wrought words and / Thunderous melodies.
  6. Laconic, we allowed / You to swarm around us intrigued by our plush plumpness and stitched-on jubilee / To accumulate in trickles and honey droves toward our piano demeanor.
  7. In this soft stupor we encased you / Ensnared you in stuffed cages / Choked you gently into piles of fluff.
  8. Now we breathe into your accordion lungs / We snuggle within your marimba memories / We wrap our tendrils round your cymbal hearts / We feed you / We cultivate you / We drive you toward the day when the city folds in on itself and the clouded day becomes our night / We whet our spongy forms against the steel and the temptation and the war chant / We fashion your limbs into brass weapons / Your voices into roars / We disassemble you and rewire you and arrange your valves in sinister permutations / We polish you until we are not of you but are you / Until the day when the stadium submits and all of you, all of you, answer to us.  We are coming– for you.

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If you send an email to her

You will get there 

If you send an email to her 

To connect with him 

You will get there 

If you go to this workshop 

And talk to him 

Tell him about your work 

Ask a good question 

You will get there 

If you reach out to him 

After the session 

You will get there 

If you stay connected with them 

You will get there 

If you post it 

You will get there 

If you tell people about 

Your work 

You will get  there 

If you speak 

You will get there 

You will get there 

You will get there 

You will get 

You will get 

You will get 

You will

Evolving Emotions: Last Glow

I saw the stars this morning

The sun had not yet climbed the shingled roofs

Nor surmounted the plumes of smoke

Produced by the slumbering city


Each a fleck of twinkling perfection

My eyes gleamed alongside them

In a vast gift

A sight to behold


These gems of the sky are deceptive

They hide their torment

The destruction that defines their state

They are dead and dying.


That which is beautiful

Is temporary

Breathe in the expanse

The comforting peace

This quiet morning


For it is not forever

Although we wish it to be

There will be a last

Air leaves the lungs

Carrying the soul in its glow


These precious stars shine

Despite their fate

Despite their circumstance


Do not grieve

Let the feeling linger

Let the light bathe you


Do not taint it with sadness

For it happened

It was wonderful


I saw the stars this morning

And it was wonderful.

This was taken on a camping trip with friends a few years ago. It was a moment of pure joy.

The Rise of the Band Geeks, Episode 5: Beanie

O pom-pom graced atop the knitted dome

Secured by laces tipped with aglets clear;

Beneath thee soft-striped stitches tightly roam

In chevrons spanning from thee to the ear.

O stitches stretched into a snug caress

Around the fragile flesh and mind and hair

You trap soft heat and ward off cruel duress

That would arise were this pale pate left bare.

O flesh, that warmth may bless thy frigid heart

Nestled within thee, that the stitches may

Envelop fragile you from the game’s start

And shield you till night voids the might of day.

May ev’ry precious strand upon your head

Of the band beanie undermine cold’s dread.

The Poetry Snapshot: The Night Shift

Curtains pulled back to midnight,
And a stage of dancing stars.
Too brief, this autumn light.
Stolen, but never ours.

Meadowbrook Amphitheater

Ours was never a bite
into a crisp apple autumn sky.
A bright, chilled dewy cry.

Ours was the brink of a buoyant horizon,
turned to shade in the blink of an eye.
Tied down by an emerging moon.
For one moment, the pulse in this room ceases,
as the death of day show steals our breath.

Welcome to The Night Shift.
Time drenched in thrifted emotions,
sharing silence in slow motion.
In the midst of darkness,
we create color.

Shadowed vision,
but you catch a broken smile
and words unspoken.
It’s always one touch forward,
but two thoughts back.

In my corner of nightfall
I set down all composure.
I’ve been here before,
been here often.
Moonbeams feel no pressure to enter my window,
for I can navigate transience with my eyes closed.