If you send an email to her

You will get there 

If you send an email to her 

To connect with him 

You will get there 

If you go to this workshop 

And talk to him 

Tell him about your work 

Ask a good question 

You will get there 

If you reach out to him 

After the session 

You will get there 

If you stay connected with them 

You will get there 

If you post it 

You will get there 

If you tell people about 

Your work 

You will get  there 

If you speak 

You will get there 

You will get there 

You will get there 

You will get 

You will get 

You will get 

You will

Mattie Grace Levy

I'm a black woman, a classically trained oboist, a self-taught composer, and an introspective poet trying to comprehend my thoughts.

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