REVIEW: Covered: Gifts of Art


This semester, I am taking  Barbara Brown’s Book Arts class through the School of A&D. Over the course of four months, my class and I have bound several styles of books in various media: wood, leather, paper, metal, thread, digital design, collage, photography, illustration, text, printmaking, and more. Some books tell literal stories while others show illustration. Some books have blank pages while others have full spreads of design. These artist books are so much more than simply spaces for narration or illustration, however. They are gorgeous, laborious, contemporary artifacts that pay homage to  that ancient and dying art of bookbinding.

With a range of skill sets in the course- from artists, to engineers, to architects, to writers- these books have grown into a beautiful collection of work. From now until June 10th, a selection of these artist books will be on display at the Taubman Health Center’s Gifts of Art show. In the lobby of the main entrance to the hospital is a gallery that features a rotating collection of local artwork. Be sure to stop in and look around at the student work. The variety and talent on display is worth the visit! To learn more about artist books, check out Barbara Brown’s website. The gallery is open from 8 am to 8 pm. See you there!