The Aftermath follows life after World War II in Germany as an American officer’s wife comes to live with him in a house already occupied by a German man and his young child. This movie takes a look at a part of the war we don’t usually think about and displays the complicated process of transitioning life in Germany when many Nazis were still on the loose and some remnants of the war still remained. The movie stars Kiera Knightley, Alexander Skarsgard, and Jason Clarke in what looks to be a scandalous love triangle.
I haven’t heard fantastic things about the movie. However, I’m a sucker for period dramas – especially when Keira Knightly is in them. And with finals and graduation looming ever nearer, a little scandal and romance are welcome distractions. The Aftermath is playing in the Michigan Theater for a limited time so make sure and get out to see it this week while you can!