REVIEW: Detroitography talk + exhibit

Alex Hill, the founder of Detroitography, spoke to a packed room inside the South Thayer Building about putting an emphasis on the human side of statistics and big data.

Although not a native of Detroit, Alex has been able to fuse his background in medical anthropology with his current work at the Wayne State Pediatric Research Center and love of statistics to create a number of incredible maps of Detroit.

Where's the nearest Starbucks?
Where’s the nearest Starbucks?

All of the maps are created using open source data to make them accessible to everyone. The aim, as Alex explained, is to present data in a way that shows the actual implications and makes it relevant to people.

When bringing up the Detroit bankruptcy–the largest municipal bankruptcy in history at 17 billion dollars–Alex addressed how the water shutoff was a fatal flaw in looking at data. While the city saw that they could save over 100 million dollars by confronting delinquent accounts, no one thought to consider the fact that the majority of delinquent accounts were owned by people that could not pay them off.


The rest of Alex’s sleek red, white and black presentation addressed the overarching question: how do we relate data not just to other data, but to people?

There is a risk of drowning in big data, as he explained, and it is up to us to figure out how the data relates to human beings. One of the biggest flaws about statistics is the belief that algorithms are completely objective. This is completely false–someone had to write the code for that algorithm, and they chose all the variables. Nothing is completely unbiased.


Numbers don’t motivate, but the connection to the people that correspond to those numbers. One map of the MidCassTown Corridor was a collection of responses from residents of that very corridor. Some residents called it the Cass Corridor, and some called it Midtown. Mapping the data showed the Midtown-naming residents to be in the more affluent, modernized areas. As one individual stated: “They [white people] call it Midtown.”

Detroitography is an interesting concept, there’s no doubt about that. Will it be effective? Will mapping data about Detroit have a positive impact on policy decisions for the city, or will it turn out to be simply another aesthetically pleasing project related to the Motor City?

PREVIEW: The Importance of Being Ernest

Gather round connoisseurs of aesthetics, readers of 18th century plays, and lovers of Oscar Wilde.

Rude Mechanicals’ is putting on a version of The Importance of Being Ernest–set in the 1950’s–this weekend! See this link for specific showtimes and how to purchase tickets online.

Where: Mendelssohn Theater (Michigan League)

When: November 4 – 6 

Cost: $7 for students or FREE with a Passport to the Arts (yay!)

“Be yourself; everything else is already taken”

–Oscar Wilde



REVIEW: Catie Newell’s Overnight

Catie Newell’s three-dimensional piece Overnight. Photo courtesy of

The UMMA has features captivating artists in their special exhibits, but from June 11 to November 6 of this year, the museum has brought a member of the University of Michigan to the spotlight: Catie Newell.

After briefly reading a synopsis of the artist and her work, I enter the room. My presence is immediately acknowledged by two rows of prints, who beckon me to their attention. I answer their call and inspect them: images of dark city nights radiate tones of mystery, but in each scene, light illuminates a fragment of old buildings or tall trees. I’m captivated by the metallic sheen of these prints, animating the light within the images so that the scene that sits before my eyes interacts with me rather than standing isolated.

One of the pieces to the Nightly collection. Photo courtesy of Michigan Radio.

The prints, however, are derived of their attention once I notice an array of aluminum wire that hangs from the center of the room. Usually enlightened at night, I gaze at the structure, attempting to translate Newell’s perspective of darkness and urban landscape into coherent sentences. Perplexed at the subject of the gallery, dissatisfaction festers within me when my visit to the gallery is cut short.  

A Detroit-based architect and assistant professor at the U-M Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning, Catie Newell is entranced by light and its relationship to architecture; the two seem to interact in a situational fashion, rather than separate entities. Newell encompasses this relationship by the two pieces showcased at the UMMA. Nightly, which is the collection of prints I mentioned earlier, uses the streetlights of Detroit as its subject. With this project, Newell investigated the two dimensions of the city: one that is clear at daylight, and one that thrives in the shadows of twilight. Overnight, the three-dimensional piece, works in collaboration with the gallery’s exposure to light in order to serve as a living entity of how architecture behaves in light and dark.

Catie Newell’s Overnight exhibit sparked a fascination of the elusive behavior of light in me that I did not know I would have. This exhibit will be open until November 6 from 8:00am to 5:00pm, so please do come out to see Newell’s work!

PREVIEW: Detroitography talk + exhibit

What is Detroitography?

It is a combination of the city of Detroit & cartography/geography–an organization that curates a collection of maps focused on Detroit and its extensive history.

This exhibition of traveling maps will set down at the South Thayer Building, starting with a talk by founder Alex Hill.

Here you can get a preview of the types of wonderful maps you’ll be able to see.

When: November 1st at 12:30

(The Detroitography exhibition runs Nov 1 – Dec 15)

Where: 202 S. Thayer Building 

Price: FREE!


PREVIEW: The Haunted Belfry at the Lurie Tower


Students in the School of Music, Theatre and Dance are putting on a haunted performance on the top floor of the Lurie Tower on North Campus. The tower will be decorated for Halloween and the students will be dressed in costume, playing eerie music on the 53-bell, 43-ton Charles Baird carillon. A carillon is the instrument typically at the top of towers, consisting of at least 23 cup-shaped bells. At this Halloween-themed event, the students have practiced spooky music to be played.

REVIEW: Brett Dennen at the Blind Pig

Seeing any show at the Blind Pig, known for bringing relatively famous acts to Ann Arbor, is bound to be an experience.

Even before the opening act took the stage, the place was filled with people ranging from the minors on one side of me to the thirty/forty something couple on the other side. There were no fans running and little ventilation, so people were shedding outer layers like crazy as we waited.

Then Lily & Madeleine took the stage. As the couple next to me put it so well:

“Are they sisters?”

“I don’t know, but they’re cute as pie”


A quick Google search for this blog confirmed that they are in fact sisters hailing from Indiana, and they are definitely Midwestern–from “almost went to U of M” to writing a song about the city of Chicago.

The announcer mistakenly announced the venue as the Ark, and Lily & Madeleine’s music would have been a much better fit for that more relaxed atmosphere. I enjoyed listening to their music–I’m downloading a couple albums Flume as I write this–but the acoustic and piano-heavy set was probably not the way to go opening for Brett Dennen at the Blind Pig.

The audience was one of rudest I’ve ever experienced. As you can probably hear in this video, it was hard to hear the music over the sound of everything talking and making noise. Most people weren’t paying attention to Lily & Madeleine, and one woman next to me kept texting in a phone that was on full brightness. It would have been one thing if the music was bad, but Lily & Madeleine proved themselves to be talented artists that didn’t deserve such a treatment.

Luckily the crowd calmed down by the time Brett took the stage.

Somehow Brett Dennen turned 36 the day of the concert, even though he looks like he stopped aging after 25. Brett’s boyish looks and figure make his music all the more endearing. Switching between two acoustic guitars, his crooned slower favorites like “Ain’t No Reason” and “Where We Left Off.” For the faster numbers, he brought out the electric guitar and shredded the heck out of it.


The crowd sang along to hits like “Wild Child,” “Comeback Kid,” and my personal favorite “Make You Crazy.” Singers like Brett Dennen make it impossible to stand in the crowd and not shake your head or shake your hips along to the music. Performers like Brett know when to point the microphone out to the audience, when to stand at the very front of the stage and jam with his tongue out, and when to take a break and ask the audience for their birthdays.

I freely admit that I am only a casual Brett Dennen fan, but I could easily become of the devoted fans that sang along to every one of his songs at the concert if I let myself. If you get a chance to see Brett in concert, I highly recommend it.