IASA’s show had a wonderful mix of both traditional and top 40’s music. It attracted audience members of all backgrounds, be them students, families of the performers, or just people looking to see some amazing dancing (which they definitely got!). The show also supported the Nisvartha Foundation in India (an organization that helps students in need get the necessary resources to pursue a higher education).
There were ten dance teams in all, and there were also videos regarding board members, background, and IASA promotional displays. In addition, there was a guest performer, Jai Matt, who is an internet sensation. Such diversity within one performance made the IASA show exciting throughout its duration.
In the middle of the first song, the group stopped to take a selfie. This was the first indication that the IASA show was something more than I’d expected. It was respectful to traditional culture while at the same time accessible to every age group. Another dance team demonstrated this trait with its name: “Can’t Filmi Face,” which is a direct allusion to a song on the top 40’s charts.
Another dance team, showcasing “serenity,” demonstrated remarkable grace and talent. Check out my video! My friend performed in this number, as well!

Dance team four did a stellar job, and I happened to get it on film! Another one of my friends was a dancer on this team, and despite the eight hour rehearsals the teams were subjected to in these past two weeks, she fell in love with the program.

The next group, demonstrating their ability to be “daring,” used glow sticks in a breathtaking light show. Check out my video! They used color to their advantage, making the audience scream even louder than they had been. At one point, the team was in a huddle onstage, showing just how strong their friendship had become. The team also used motion to their advantage. They built a human pyramid and one of their teammates ended up taking a running leap and knocking the person on top of the pyramid to the ground. This example really showcased how energetic the entire IASA performance was.
After intermission, the Dicks and Janes performed “Over The Rainbow.” This was also when Jai Matt had his performance. At one point, he asked for a volunteer from the audience and serenaded her! This was followed by a sentimental video of all the teams discussing their experiences.
A fusion group after this related the IASA show back to the university. At the beginning of their number, we heard the famous quote: “The team, the team, the team.” In the middle of their number, two of the members used special effects to create fire! As you can imagine, the student section was going pretty wild by then.
Team seven’s theme was “honor.” Team eight represented “amour” and Bollywood. Both of these teams were very popular! Team nine was “vivacious,” which you can see for yourself in my video. Their use of costumes was astounding! Team ten, to conclude the show, represented “aspiration.” This team used different scenes to label each dance. For example, one scene was “spring break” and another was “employment.” Again, these themes related the IASA show back to university life.
In conclusion, the IASA show was incredible! 9 months of planning and a crazy rehearsal schedule really paid off. These dedicated individuals, whether they were dancing, coordinating, or anything else, were extremely passionate and talented. I can’t wait for the next show!