PREVIEW: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

In the mood for a musical this weekend?  You’re in luck!  MUSKET is presenting The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on March 25-27:  Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 8 pm, and Sunday at 2 pm.  All shows will be at the Power Center.  It’s the first time ever that this musical has been produced on campus–we’ve got some really ambitious performers in our midst!  It’s a Tony Award-winning, comical musical about 6 awkward adolescents competing in–you guessed it–a spelling bee, and the stakes are ridiculously high.  The original recording was also nominated for a Grammy.

Tickets are $7 for students, $13 for adults, available at the Michigan League Ticket Office.  It’s not sold out yet, but anything put on by the music school is pretty much guaranteed to be popular–grab a seat, and enjoy!

PREVIEW: Ann Arbor Film Festival

This week jumpstarts the 49th annual Ann Arbor Film Festival. Festivities begin today, Tuesday March 22nd and continue until Sunday March 27th. Over the course of six days, the Film Festival will screen a total of 188 films and live performances, each showcasing the work of independent and experimental filmmakers. Tonight a selection of short films, varying in cinematic genre, will be screened at The Michigan Theater’s Main Auditorium (located on 603 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104). The Opening Night Premier represents seven shorts, ranging from animation, documentary, experimental, and independent cinema. Tickets cost $9 but student prices may be honored. To avoid waiting in line, tickets can be purchased online at: For more information on the films, filmmakers, and events, visit the Ann Arbor Film Festival’s website at

Review: Martin McDonagh’s The Cripple of Inishmaan: Guilty of Laughter

This Sunday night I went to the Power Center (my favorite campus venue) to see the Druid and Atlantic Theater Company production of Martin McDonagh’s The Cripple of Inishmaan. It was crazy funny! We laughed so hard at the dry Irish humor. The actors were so talented. No matter how much we laughed or what crazy things they did on stage, not a one of them ever broke character. And they did some pretty ridiculous things, including breaking eggs on heads, being incredibly boring to the point of laughter, and beating on each other.

The play is set on the small island of Inishmaan in 1934. There is nothing of interest happening on the island, so the people are forced to consider things such as sheep being born without ears to be interesting. Also in this category of things that should be reported; Cripple Billy is staring at cows again, a goose bit a cat, the egg man’s eggs didn’t lay today, and, what’s this? A team of Hollywood moviemakers are on the next island filming a movie? This really is big news! In fact, it’s the biggest news that the town gossip/self-proclaimed news carrier John Patine Mike has ever had. So big that a group of townspeople are sailing over to the island to see the filming and hopefully get a chance at acting in it. Billy Claven, called Cripple Billy by most on account of his severe deformities, is one interested in going. After winning the heart of the boatman with a doctor’s note reporting his eminent death, he sails with the group. Fortune smiles on him and Billy go’s to America for the chance of starring in a film about a cripple in Ireland. What a chance!

Throughout the production, constant jokes, insults, and egg throwing keeps the audience laughing and saying “I can’t believe they just said that!” Constantly people praise their homeland with the phrase “Ireland must not be such a bad place if dentists/Frenchmen/colored fellas/earless sheep/Americans want to come here.” The younger brother of the love interest, Helen McCormick, constantly talks of sweeties from America and his obsession with telescopes. Helen chucks eggs, swears like a sailor, and is the village slut that no one knows about (in order to maintain the name of the actual one and to avoid competition). The aunts that adopted Billy both have their quirks. One eats the sweets of their shop when stressed, the other talks to rocks when she’s worried. John Patine Mike has tried and failed to kill his mother for 65 years by giving her constant alcohol. There is so much comedy and brilliant writing in this production that it’s hard not to laugh, even when the setting makes the word “Cripple” a joke. You sort of feel guilty laughing when the characters, even his loving aunts, make fun of Billy’s disabilities. But then you remember the setting and realize it is realistic; what would have actually happened, and it’s okay to laugh.

The play was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon and I would thoroughly enjoy it if the Druid and Atlantic Theater Company returned to the Power Center in the future. It takes an open mind and a taste for dry humor to understand the comedy of this play. It also takes a sensitive character to understand the sadness, emotion, and tragic life that Cripple Billy leads. I would strongly advise going to plays like this. Everyone can learn and laugh a little from such a production and I am very happy to have attended.

As always,
This is Danny Fob: Artist and Art Reviewer

PREVIEW: Detroit’s Got the Funk

Celebrate the last Friday of every month dancing to funk music downtown. This Friday, February 25th, Motor City Funk Night presents artist Dennis Coffey and Will Sessions Band. Funk Night will be held at Detroit’s Majestic Theater
4120 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI
and goes from from10:00pm-4:00am. Tickets cost $10.00 at the door but bring extra money if you’re interested in buying handmade tee shirts, which are sold inside. Local vendors showcase Detroit-made products, but be sure to check out Funk Night’s fb page for more information and pictures:
Funk Night

Review: Creation. Life. Legacy.

Metallic industrial, organic robotic, digital bug, fluttering verbs.

Form can sometimes be constricting, only allowing for certain expressions while disallowing others. While watching Merce Cunnigham Dance Company perform, I could not align what I was watching with any concrete words. How to translate a dance performance into a concise review seemed like a daunting task, but alas, I will do my best.

Merce Cunningham
Merce Cunningham

For those of you unfamiliar, Merce Cunningham is one of the most innovative choreographers of the last century. Spanning across genre and discipline, Merce Cunningham is perhaps most known for his longtime collaboration with partner and radical composer, John Cage, also working with fellow artistic visionaries such as Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein, and Warhol. The Legacy Tour honors Cunningham, who passed away in July 2009, as well as his 70 years of expansive work. Culminating in 2011 with the disbanding of the company, this is the last time his work will ever be performed and UMS was one of the lucky few locations to host the Company. (Check out this Merce Cunningham Interview)

The curtain was up before I had time to anticipate what was hiding behind it. Blinding spotlights on impossible elevation of cinderblock walls. Large green recycling bins and containers, exposed with sheet metal and wooden planks. As anyone’s guess, this was the natural look of the Power Center. My attention was drawn to an acrylic white court surrounded by luminescent astroturf as 4 dancers in steely athletic wear arched across space, while many others watched in the background.

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PREVIEW: Best of Michigan A Cappella CharityFest

This Saturday, February 19th, the Michigan A Cappella Council will host its first philanthropic event of the year: Best Of Michigan A Cappella CharityFest. The show will feature 13 University of Michigan A Cappella groups, each of which will perform a single song.  The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about the charity album that MACC produced last year, entitled: Best of Michgian a Cappella. This album will be sold at a special discount price of $5 during the event. All proceeds from the show and album sales will go to the VH1 Save the Music Foundation.

The concert will feature:

58 Greene

Amazin’ Blue

Compulsive Lyres

Dicks and Janes

The Friars


The G-Men

Good News

The Harmonettes

Kol Hakavod


Midnight Blue

The Sopranos

Hope to see you all come out for this amazing event!

When: Saturday, February 19th, 7:00pm

Where: University Club (First floor of the Union)

Price: $3